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Law on soil protection.

Mai, 1994

Soil protection is the state problem since correct and rational use of all types of soil, including barren soil, saline soils, swamped soil, alkali soil and aqueous soil are the main reserve of dynamic development of agriculture and of the national economy as a whole. The purpose of the present Law is to ensure the integrity of soil surface, conservation thereof and rise of soil fertility, to establish the rights and the duties of landholders, landowners and the state in the field of soil protection and setting up conditions for ecological production. The Law consists of 11 Articles.

Land Transaction Law.

Septembre, 1993

The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to the various terms therein employed, such as "land", "building land", "building permit", "foreigner", "planning permission", etc. Part 3 regulates in particular the transfer of agricultural and forestry land and the requirements for its conversion into building land. Furthermore, it outlines the conditions and procedures for acquisition of land by foreigners. Part 3 establishes the competent authorities and, in particular, various Land Commissions.

Land Transaction Act.

Décembre, 1992

The objective of the present Act is to safeguard the public interest on the occasion of transfer of land or parts thereof to guarantee an even distribution of land throughout the national territory. The text consists of 38 articles divided into8 Parts as follows: General provisions and definition of terms (I); Subject to authorization (II); Conditions and requirements (III); Land transaction authorities (IV); Procedure (V); Civil liability (VI); Penalties (VII); Transitional and final provisions (VIII).

Ley de Aguas Nacionales.

Novembre, 1992

La presente Ley rige el desarrollo, el uso y la protección de los recursos de aguas de la Nación, así como su administración; confirma y refuerza la función de la Comisión Nacional del Agua como principal organismo de vigilancia y desarrollo de los recursos hídricos de la Nación y establece los Consejos de Cuenca, que son instancias de coordinación y concertación entre todas las distintas dependencias públicas interesadas, incluidos los usuarios de aguas. Se considera la programación hidráulica nacional como una función fundamental del Gobierno Federal.

Decreto Nº 3445 - Reglamentación e la Ley 10552 de manejo y conservación de los suelos.

Novembre, 1992

El presente Decreto establece las normas reglamentarias de la Ley de manejo y conservación de los suelos. Se establecen los requisitos que deben cumplir los planes de conservación. Asimismo se reglamenta el régimen sancionatorio.

Implementa: Ley 10552 - Ley de conservación y manejo de suelos. (1990-11-22)

Law on Land Privatisation in Rural Areas (1992)

Juillet, 1992

The Law lays down rules for privatisation of land in rural areas. The main tasks of land privatisation are to create the basis and guarantees for agricultural development; to restore the land ownership rights to the former owners of land, which belonged to them on 21 July 1940 or to the heirs thereof; and to transfer land into ownership with remuneration to the citizens of the Republic of Latvia.

Act on conservation and protection of agriculture land.

Mars, 1992

The present Act lays down provisions relating to the permanent protection of soil against misappropriation in order to guarantee self-sufficiency and conserve the rural structures. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Principle (1); Separation of municipalities (2); Soil requirements (3); Safeguard of agricultural land (4); Deadline (5); Provisional agricultural zone (6); Proceedings (7); Entry into force (8).

Ministerial Decree No. 177 of 1992 regarding the validation of the form of Certificate of land ownership, Contract of tenancy for agricultural land, Contract of temporal leasehold of agricultural land.

Décembre, 1991
Europe orientale
Fédération de Russie

This Decree establishes that the forms of Certificate of landownership can be used provisionally, till the issues of the state legal form, as a document for lifelong ownership valid for inheritance and limitless (permanent) land lease. This Decree validates the forms of Certificate of landownership, Contract of tenancy for agricultural land, Contract of temporal leasehold of agricultural land. The forms of these documents are supplied in Annexes.

National Forest Policy Statement – A New Focus for Australia’s Forests.

National Policies
Décembre, 1991

This Statement outlines agreed objectives and policies for the future of Australia's public and private forests. The Governments share a vision of ecologically sustainable management of Australia's forests. This vision has a number of important characteristics: 1) The unique character of the Australian forested landscape and the integrity and biological diversity of its associated environment is retained. 2) The total area of forest is increased. 3) There is a 'holistic' approach to managing forests for all their values and uses so as to optimise benefits to the community.

Land Code.

Décembre, 1990

This Land Code is divided into the following Chapters: Fundamental provisions (1); Powers of local Soviets of People's Deputies and the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of regulation of land relationships (2); Possession and use (3); Withdrawal of lands (4); Land leasing (5); Cessation and transfer of the right of possession and right of use of land (6); Use of plots of land for survey work (7); Tax and rents on land (8); (Agricultural provisions), Basic provisions (9); Ownership of collective farms, State farms and other agricultural enterprises, institutions and organizations (10); lando

Ley 10552 - Ley de conservación y manejo de suelos.

Novembre, 1990

La presente Ley establece normas tendientes al control y prevención de todo proceso de degradación de los suelos; a la recuperación, habilitación y mejoramiento de las tierras para la producción; y a la promoción de la educación conservacionista. El objetivo es asegurar los medios para adecuar la utilización de la tierra, conforme a su aptitud, manteniendo el equilibrio de los ecosistemas de manera de evitar el deterioro de la economía provincial y teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades reales y efectivas de los usuarios.