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Transforming Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda : A Secondary Cities Support Programme

Mars, 2013

This report describes theTransforming
Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda. A Secondary Cities
Support Program (TSUPU), is the first national initiative
within the Cities Alliance's global programme, Land,
Services and Citizenship for the Urban Poor (LSC). The first
premise of the Medium Term Strategy is that the Cities
Alliance should prioritise working with those governments
already committed to change and reform over time for three

Preparing to Manage Natural Hazards and Climate Change Risks in Dakar, Senegal : A Spatial and Institutional Approach

Mars, 2013

This report describes a pilot study of
natural risk hazards in the peri-urban extension areas of
the Dakar Metropolitan Area, Senegal. The area subject of
this study stretches across 580 square kilometers, covering
less than 1 percent of the national territory, but housing
about 50 percent of Senegal's urban population. Much of
the rapid population growth of the Dakar Metropolitan Area
is taking place beyond the boundaries of the Department of

Expanding Access to Housing Finance : Task 1. Business and Sustainability Plan for Affordable Housing Finance Pilot Projects

Mars, 2013

The objective of the First Initiative
Project in Uganda is to expand the access of households to
housing finance, especially modest and lower income
households, by introducing new and innovative housing loan
products, by introducing innovative loan products combined
with affordable housing designs. The project has delivered
two studies to the Bank of Uganda: i) a study addressing the
financial and banking sector context for housing finance,

An Evidence-Informed Response to Slum Settlements : A Learning Note

Training Resources & Tools
Mars, 2013

This learning note prepares policymakers
to engage with their technical experts and staff in
designing and implementing an evidence-informed response to
the challenges of existing and future slum settlements. To
that end, the note discusses a set of indicators and data
analysis techniques needed in the identification and
characterization of slums as well as relevant lessons and
examples. In addition, the noted discusses the data

Assessment of Housing for Low-income Groups in Danang : Phase I Report

Mars, 2013

Danang City is the capital and economic
hub of the central region of Vietnam. As in all of the major
urban centers of the country, Danang is currently
experiencing rapid urbanization fueled by consistent
economic growth and the resultant steady increase in
population, much through rural-urban migration. For this
reason, central and city government has been increasingly
concerned with the urban development and housing sectors.

An Assessment of Housing for Low-income Groups in Danang : Phase II Report

Mars, 2013

In August 2004, in response to a request
from the Government of Vietnam (GOV), the WB/ IDA launched
preparatory activities for the Priority Infrastructure
Investment Project (PIIP) in Danang. The PIIP is a
multi-sectoral infrastructure investment initiative aimed at
poverty reduction and the promotion of economic growth. The
Project reflects the national goals set out in the
Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (CPRGS),

The Energy Efficient Cities Initiative Practitioners' Roundtable

Mars, 2013

Cities represent a major contributor of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to the United
Nations Population Fund,1 half of the world's
population now lives in cities and is responsible for 75% of
global energy use and GHG emissions. Since the world's
population will continue to grow, and rapid urbanization
will continue particularly in the developing world, tackling
climate change issues in the urban context will be

The Future of Water in African Cities : Why Waste Water? Integrated Urban Water Management, Background Report

Février, 2013

The primary objective of this report is
to provide a coherent and comprehensive review on integrated
urban water management (IUWM) approach to assist public
authorities to identify and address the future challenges of
urban water supply, sanitation and flood management in
African cities. This report presents the existing and future
challenges in Africa, the possible options for innovative
technologies and approaches for their breakthrough and a way

The Future of Water in African Cities : Why Waste Water? Urban Access to Water Supply and Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Background Report

Février, 2013

The main purpose of this paper is to
explain the patterns of access to water supply and
sanitation facilities in urban areas in Sub-Saharan Africa
since the late 90's, and its relation with the
performance of service providers in the case of improved
water supply. It also seeks to explore the institutional
context of the water supply and sanitation sectors. The
paper concludes that services providers in Sub-Saharan

The Future of Water in African Cities : Why Waste Water? Integrating Urban Planning and Water Management in Sub-Saharan Africa, Background Report

Février, 2013

This paper is one of a series of
analytical studies commissioned by the World Bank's
Africa Region and Water Anchor which are intended to
identify and address the future challenges of urban water
supply, sanitation and flood management in Sub-Saharan
Africa's (SSA) cities and towns. Following the terms of
reference for the assignment, and as indicated by its title,
the paper is directed at understanding and describing the

Sudan : Overview of the Urban Landscape

Février, 2013

This study responds to the need for
information and analysis on the urban sector in Sudan, to
inform the Bank's policy dialogue with the Government
of Sudan (GoS) on urban and local government issues, and to
inform the design of future Bank assistance. The first phase
of this analytical exercise, which is the focus of this
report, develops an overview of the urban landscape. The
report is structured as follows: section two describes the

An Overview of the Urban Landscape in South Sudan

Février, 2013

This study responds to the need for
information and analysis on the urban sector in South Sudan,
to inform the Bank's policy dialogue with the
Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GoSS) on urban
and local government issues, and to inform the design of
future Bank assistance. The first phase of this analytical
exercise, which is the focus of this report, develops an
overview of the urban landscape. A second phase of this