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Burmese Children in Thailand: Legal Aspects

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2001

People from Burma have become the major group of displaced persons in Thailand. Most of them are currently being sheltered
along the Thai-Burma border, particularly in the Thai provinces of Mae Hong Son, Tak, Kanchanaburi and Ranong. It is
estimated that there are some 40,000 children from Burma under the age of 15 accompanying their parents. In addition,
thousands of unaccompanied children are driven across the border by the desperate circumstances in Burma. ...

Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand: Policy and Protection

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2001

It is estimated that the overall number of Burmese migrants in Thailand is somewhere in between 800,000 and one million.
Cross-border migration into Thailand has steadily increased in recent years. Since the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of Thais
have gone to work abroad. Refugees from Burma, Laos and Cambodia have since filled this labour shortage in Thailand.
However, many of them are undocumented, illegal workers and thus constitute the most vulnerable section of the work force.

Zwangsumsiedlung für Staudammbau in Burma

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2001

Für den Energieexport nach Thailand will Burmas Militärregierung einen Großstaudamm bauen, für den Tausende Angehörige der Shan umgesiedelt werden sollen. Der Tasang Staudamm soll am Fluss Salween im zentralen Shan Bundesstaat entstehen. Teile des Gebietes sind bereits entvölkert.
Überblick der Geselschaft für bedrohte Völker über die Pläne zum Bau des Tasang-Staudamms und die Konsequenzen für die einheimische Bevölkerung und die Umwelt.
key words: Tasang-dam, forced relocation, consequences for local population, environmen

Flight, Hunger and Survival: Repression and Displacement in the Villages of Papun and Nyaunglebin Districts

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2001

This report documents in detail the plight of villagers and the internally displaced in these two
northern Karen regions. Since 1997 the SPDC has destroyed or relocated over 200 villages here,
forcing tens of thousands of villagers to flee into hiding in the hills where they are now being
hunted down and shot on sight by close to 50 SPDC Army battalions. The troops are now
systematically destroying crops, food supplies and farmfields to flush the villagers out of the hills,

Cadastral Systems and their Impact on Land Administration in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2001

The mandate of the Kenya Government in its objective to achieve sustainable development is to reduce poverty by half by 2015 and transform the country into a newly industrailized nation by the year 2020. This paper reviews the cadastral systems that have been formulated and implemented in Kenya ; the different concepts and techniques used in the preparation of cadastral survey plans and maps; and the impact of the cadastre as a source of spatial data in support of land administration processes.

Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2000: The Situation of Migrant Workers from Burma

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2001

The one million Burmese migrant workers in Thailand are one of the largest migrant populations in Asia. Migrant workers from Burma come from a variety of geographical locations and ethnic groups and work in several different industries and service sectors in Thailand. There are both push and pull factors at work when people make the decision to migrate to Thailand. The pull factors include the close geographical location of Thailand to Burma as well as the demand in Thailand for cheap labor.

Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2000: Internally Displaced People and Forced Relocation

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2001

The plight of Internally Displaced People, or IDPs, in Burma was a continuing problem over the year 2000. Burma contributes
over an estimated 1 million IDPs to the estimated world IDP population of 21 million and estimated Asian IDP population of 5
million. (The CIDKP put the IDP number at 2 million in 2000.) Internally displaced persons in Burma live under conditions of
severe deprivation and hardship. All but few of these people are without adequate access to food or basic social, health and

Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2000: The Situation of Refugees

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2001

There are currently more than 120,000 refugees living in Thailand. Refugees from Burma are also in refugee camps along the
Bangladeshi and Indian borders as well as working and living in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Malaysia. The line between
refugee and migrant is a thin one and there are also an estimated 1 million migrant workers living in Thailand who have fled from
their homes for many of the same reasons that official refugees have. (The topic of migrant workers from Burma is covered in