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Decreto Legislativo Nº 803 - Ley de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley declara de interés nacional la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y su inscripción registral con el fin de garantizar los derechos de todos los ciudadanos a la propiedad y al ejercicio de la iniciativa privada en una economía social de mercado, y crea la Comisión de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI), como organismo rector máximo encargado de diseñar y ejecutar de manera integral, comprehensiva y rápida un programa de formalización de la propiedad y de su mantenimiento dentro de la formalidad.

Limitation Act (Cap. 83).


This Act establishes periods of limitation and other limitations for bringing actions of the various classes mentioned in the Act. Section 42 extends the applicability of the Act also to arbitration. Actions include various actions in respect of land: actions to recover land by the Crown or any person and rent; action to recover money secured by a mortgage or charge or to recover proceeds of the sale of land; and actions in respect of trust property or the personal estate of deceased persons and actions for an account.

Land Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, 1991.

Asie occidentale

The Land Code (115 articles) is divided into 16 sections: General Provisions (1), Rights and obligations of proprietors (2), Farmland (3), Landownership, landholding and land use (4), Land of settlements (5), Land for industry, transportation, communication and other purposes (6), Land in sub-urban and green zones (7), Land of forest, water bodies and the land reserve (8), Damages (9), Land protection (10), Monitoring the use and protection of land (11), State land records (12), Land management (13), Settlement of disputes (14), Accountability (15) and International treaties (16).The Code o

Fundamental Principles of Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics on Land, 1990.


This Act provides the general framework for principles regulating land relations in the USSR and the Union Republics. Union and autonomous Republics are to promulgate more detailed legislation within this framework. This Act excludes relations regarding mining, forestry, water and the protection of flora, fauna and the atmosphere. The Act is directed towards the creation of conditions for the rational use and protection of land, the regeneration of soil fertility, the preservation and improvement of the natural environment, and the equal development of all forms of economy.

Decree No.114a of 1992 of the National Council of the Supreme Soviet regarding implementation of Law No.114 of 1992 on lease.

Asie occidentale

National Council of the Supreme Soviet decrees that contracts concluded before entry into force of the Law on lease that envisage long-term lease of industrial sphere and services as well as redemption of leased property (except for contracts concluded by working collectives) can be disputed by owners or by their authorized representatives at the arbitration tribunal or people’s court.

Implements: Law No.114 of 1992 on lease. (1992-04-30)

Presidential Decree No. 2118 of 1993 on taxation of sale of the plots of land and other transactions with land.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The President, for the purpose of strengthening state control over the use and protection of land, increasing liability of citizens, officials and juridical persons for the infringement of land legislation for the period of carrying out land reform, decrees that till the promulgation of Basic land legislation citizens, officials and juridical persons are liable to administrative fines in the following cases: 1) For the infringement of urban planning documentation as regards the allotment of land, illegal actions of officials that cause unauthorized seizure of land.

Ditches and Water Courses Act (R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 132).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Act provides for agreements between land owners to build, widen or deepen ditches to remove run off from their properties. The agreements apply to new owners of the same lands until the municipally appointed engineer decides otherwise. The ditch cannot affect other owners’ lands without their consent. The Act provides dispute resolution mechanisms for disputes between owners who have entered into these agreements. The municipal clerk is the contact person in the case of disputes. The text consists of 28 sections and 1 Schedule.

Decreto Legislativo Nº 709 - Ley de Promoción a la Inversión Privada en Predios para Arrendamiento.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto Legislativo aprueba la Ley que establece las normas orientadas a crear las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo de la inversión privada en predios para arrendamiento, incluyendo los predios tugurizados con fines de renovación urbana.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 29975 - Modifica el Decreto Legislativo Nº 709, Ley de Promoción a la Inversión Privada en Predios para Arrendamiento. (2012-12-30)

Land Tenure Act of 1992 (No. 12 of 1992).

Afrique orientale

Preliminary (I); Public land (II); Right of occupancy to land (III); Right of ownership of trees (IV); Grants of public lands (V), Leases (VI); Termination of rights of occupancy (VII); Miscellaneous provisions (VIII).All land in Zanzibar is declared to be public land and is vested in the President (sect. 3). Land taken by the Government is declared to be confiscated land and any irregularities in acquisition shall be resolved through procedures under the Land Adjudication Act. Section 5 concerns easements on banks of waterways.

Decree No.2418-XII of the Supreme Soviet regarding validation of the law regarding the right to land property.

Europe orientale

The Supreme Soviet decrees as follows: 1). to put into effect the law regarding the right to land property from the 1st of September 1993; 2). till the conformation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus to the law regarding the right to land property the effective legislative acts must be used to the extent that they do not contradict the aforesaid law; 3).

Law No.2417-XII of 1993 regarding the right to land property.

Europe orientale

The present Law establishes the form of land ownership, the base of origin, changes and cessation of land ownership, regulates the order of realization of the rights and the duties of landowners. The land relationship connected with privatisation of buildings, structures, and constructions belonging to state property are regulated by special acts related to land legislation. Land ownership in the Republic of Belarus is present in the forms of state and private ownership.