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Reports & Research
Mai, 2016

The Commission has been in the forefront of promoting good governance and accountability in the land sector. Progress in the land sector has been mixed. Through the effort of the government, support agencies and other stakeholders the Commission was able to devolve its function to the 47 counties through the County Land Management Boards (CLMBs). The CLMBs have in effect devolved land services throughout Kenya. However, achieving land, better land governance, accountability in the land sector and ensuring secure land rights for all Kenyan is still to be achieved.

Balancing Development and Community Livelihoods: A Framework for Land Acquisition and Resettlement in Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mai, 2016

Land acquisition for development projects by government, private investors and land speculators is a critical source of tensions and conflicts in many parts of Uganda. Following the discovery of commercially viable oil reserves in 2006, Uganda turned attention to extractives and oil development as a matter of national priority. Evidence of this assertion can be found in the recent 2016-17 national budget allocations, where the portion for oil development is substantial.

Land of the Unexpected: Natural Resource Conflict and Peace Building in Papua New Guinea

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2016
Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea (PNG) has long been a site of analysis for exploring the links between natural resources and conflict, having been cited as an example in prominent studies of the “natural resource curse” and used as a source of learning in international debates on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Over the past decade, this scholarship has expanded to encompass conflict analysis and peace building.

Hoja Informativa N.º 1: Situación de las tierras de comunidades nativas en la Región de San Martín (a junio de 2016)

Institutional & promotional materials
Mai, 2016
South America

El mapa y los datos que se presentan en esta hoja informan sobre el resultado de la actualización de la línea de base del sistema de información comunitaria sobre los nativos de la Amazonia peruana (SICNA) en la región amazónica de San Martín realizada por el Instituto del Bien Común (IBC).  Se llevó a cabo durante el primer semestre de 2016, con el apoyo de la Cooperación Alemana, implementado por el GIZ, a través de su proyecto ProTierras Comunales.


The urgent need to address farmers-pastoralists conflicts in Nigeria

Reports & Research
Mai, 2016

The rising conflicts between farmers and pastoralists threaten Nigeria’s food security, economic stability and ecological balance. Instead of ‘silently’ resolving the issues, the Nigerian government should intensify all means to end these crimes against livelihoods and address the root causes, like climate change, displacement and appropriation of grazing reserves.

Land tenure insecurity and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazonia

Reports & Research
Mai, 2016

This paper examines the effects of land tenure insecurity originating from land reforms on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazonia. A non cooperative game model is developed where natural forests are considered as an open access resource and the strategic interactions between landowners and squatters lead to an over deforestation. The main theoretical restriction is a positive impact of squatters on deforestation. It is successfully tested on a panel data set covering the municipalities of the Legal Amazonia controlling for the endogeneity of squatters in a deforestation equation.

Planning Act 2016.

Mai, 2016

This Act, consisting of 231 sections divided into eight Chapters and completed by two Schedules, aims to establish an efficient, effective, transparent, integrated, coordinated, and accountable system of land use planning (planning), development assessment and related matters that facilitates the achievement of ecological sustainability.

Expropriation Bill [B4D-2015]: adoption, with Deputy Minister present; Government debt owed to municipalities: payment progress report by DPW

Legislation & Policies
Mai, 2016
Afrique du Sud

The Committee met to deal with the two proposed amendments that had been made by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on the Expropriation Bill [B4B-2015]. The first amendment aimed to increase the number of days in which the municipal manager must inform the expropriating authority, in writing, of charges from 20 days to 30 days, if land which had been expropriated is subject to municipal rates.

Décret n° 2016-386/PRES/PM/MAECBE/MATDSI du 20 mai 2016 portant ratification de la Convention sur la coopération transfrontalière adoptée à Malabo le 27 juin 2014.

Mai, 2016
Burkina Faso

Le présent décret ratifié la Convention sur la coopération transfrontalière adoptée à Malabo le 27 juin 2014.Les objectifs de la présente Convention sont: promouvoir la coopération transfrontalière aux niveaux local, sous régional et régional; saisir les opportunités qui naissent du partage de frontières communes et relever les défis y afférents; faciliter la délimitation, la démarcation et la réaffirmation des frontières inter-Etats, conformément aux mécanismes convenus par les parties concernées; faciliter le règlement pacifique des différends frontaliers; assurer une gestion intégrée, ef

Resolución Nº 196-2016-MINAGRI ─ Procedimientos administrativos y servicios derivados de la actividad catastral a cargo de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura de los Gobiernos Regionales.

Mai, 2016

La presente Resolución aprueba la relación de procedimientos administrativos y servicios derivados de la actividad catastral a cargo de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura de los Gobiernos Regionales a los que se ha transferido la función de saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria, incluyendo su denominación, plazo máximo de atención y requisitos máximos para cada procedimiento.

Implementa: Ley Nº 27867 - Ley Orgánica de Gobiernos Regionales. (2002-11-16)

Mining Act, 2016 (No. 12 of 2016).

Mai, 2016

This Act provides rules for the prospecting for and mining of minerals specified in the First Schedule to this Act. Save to the extent provided for in this Act, it shall not apply to matters relating to petroleum and hydrocarbon gases. The Cabinet Secretary responsible for mining, the Principal Secretary of the responsible ministry and any person shall be guided by the values and principles enshrined in the Constitution and in particular Articles 10, 66 (2), 201 (c) and (d), and 232 of the Constitution and the principles of leadership and integrity.

Scoping and Status Study on Land and Conflict

Reports & Research
Mai, 2016

This report on the Scoping and Status Study on Land and Conflict reviews the global context and the inspiration driving the study, The three key findings of the study are the existence of multiple areas of UN engagement on land and conflict across the UN pillars, the existence of multiple entry points for improved synergy and that the status quo is not fit for purpose. Based on the above findings, the study presents six recommendations  for consideration by the Rule of Law Resource and Coordination Group, the UN Working Group on Transition, other non-UN entities and Member States.