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Land valuation and perceptions of land sales prohibition in Ethiopia

Décembre, 2013

This study investigates attitudes towards legalizing land sales and Willingness to Accept (WTA) sales prices and compensation prices for land among smallholder households in four different areas in the Oromia and SNNP Regions in the southern highlands of Ethiopia.

Household panel data from 2007 and 2012 are used. The large majority of the sample prefers land sales to remain illegal, and the resistance to legalizing land sales increased from 2007 to 2012. In the same period, perceived median real land values increased sharply but also exhibit substantial local variation.

Fish to 2030: Prospects for fisheries and aquaculture

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013

This study employs IFPRI’s IMPACT model to generate projections of global fi sh supply and demand. IMPACT covers the world in 115 model regions for a range of agricultural commodities, to which fi sh and fi sh products are added for this study. As is the case with most global modeling work, an important value that IMPACT brings to this study is an internally consistent framework for analyzing and organizing the underlying data.

Políticas de suelo urbano. Perspectivas internacionales para América Latina

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2013
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Políticas de suelo urbano contiene 53 artículos seleccionados de Land Lines, la revista trimestral que reporta sobre los programas educativos, investigaciones y publicaciones del Instituto Lincoln. A partir de julio de 2011, los números completos han sido traducidos al español y, junto con todos los números de Land Lines en inglés, están disponibles para descarga gratuita en el sitio web del Instituto Lincoln, en

Definición de políticas de suelo urbano en América Latina: teoría y práctica

Manuals & Guidelines
Novembre, 2013
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Definir políticas de suelo es un gran desafío para los administradores urbanos de América Latina. Implica identificar e implementar los instrumentos más apropiados para financiar mejor a las ciudades, disminuir la informalidad, distribuir más equitativamente los servicios públicos y las cargas, y elegir las geotecnologías más apropiadas. Si bien existen numerosas iniciativas en la región, aún se evidencia cierto desconocimiento en lo que se refiere a conceptos y virtudes de todos los instrumentos.

Nicaragua - Land Policy and Administration : Toward a More Secure Property Rights Regime

Juillet, 2013

This report centers on the problems
stemming from land issues in Nicaragua. The report's
main recommendations deal with four priority actions:
institutional reform; adjustments to the legal framework;
systematic regularization of land rights; and, firmly
addressing previous land invasions, and preventing future
invasions. The issue of land distribution, and ownership is
especially critical in Nicaragua; indeed, the country

Colombia : Land Policy in Transition

Juillet, 2013

Unequal land distribution and the
negative social and economic implications resulting from
such polarization in Colombia have long been of concern to
policymakers. A 1950 World Bank mission identified unequal
land distribution as a key impediment to economic and social
development in the country. Since then, a wide range of
policies has been adopted to deal with this issue and its
consequences. Numerous studies show that the success of

Land Administration in Eastern Africa: Quest for Identity

Journal Articles & Books
Juin, 2013
Afrique orientale

This paper looks at Valuation as an important component of land administration that has outgrown the land sector gradually becoming an independent professional discipline much to the chagrin of its hosts – the land administration. Valuation as a profession originated in the actual sale transactions in medieval Europe where buyers relied on experienced interventionists in the land/real estate market to advise on the size and buying price of real properties. Its eventual introduction to university curriculum has been diverse amongst different regions and at varying momentum.

Operação Urbana Consorciada da Linha Verde: limites e oportunidades à luz da gestão social da valorização da terra

Reports & Research
Juin, 2013

Resumo Observa-se atualmente o revigoramento dos deba­tes sobre o Estatuto da Cidade, questionando sua efetividade, a baixa participação popular e sua uti­lização para legitimação de políticas engendradas por interesses particulares. Nesse contexto, este artigo investiga as Operações Urbanas Consorcia­das (OU) enquanto mecanismo de recuperação de mais-valias fundiárias. Partindo de um estudo so­bre a OU Faria Lima (São Paulo-SP), discute-se de forma prospectiva a OU Linha Verde (Curitiba-PR), em fase inicial de implantação.

El derecho a la vivienda en Colombia, una mirada político-constitucional y jurisprudencial

Reports & Research
Juin, 2013

Este trabajo aborda la necesidad de mostrar de una manera integral y crítica el derecho a la vivienda en Colombia, su marco normativo, su creación en la Constitución de 1991, la protección internacional de los Derechos Humanos y de los diferentes puntos de vista adoptados por la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional, corporación que le otorgó el rango de derecho fundamental.

New Land valuation criteria after the spanish 2011 valuation of land regulation: the objectivation of building expectations in rural land

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2013

The land valuation regime has undergone one of its most important modifications at the hands of the 2008 Land Act and its 2011 Regulation. According to the so-called objectivity principle - which defines all established methods for the new basic situations of land - and according to the stated prohibition of taking into consideration building expectations arising from granted planning permission, the fact is that the existence of circumstances that are not a natural consequence of landowner investments made on the property is easily deducible.