Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
The training manual on improving grassroots equity in the forests and climate change context, aims to develop the knowledge and capacity needed among grassroots facilitators to implement genuinely participatory processes for improving grassroots equity in forest-based climate change policy frameworks, mechanisms and initiatives.
In Southeast Asia, shifting cultivation is still predominantly practiced by the poorest segment of the population. Around 40 million people living in forest-agricultural lands from the ASEAN countries still depend considerably on shifting cultivation, also referred to as swidden farming and rotational farming, for income and livelihoods.
This policy brief developed by the NORAD-funded Grassroots capacity development for REDD+ Project addresses the use of the cascade approach for capacity development on REDD+, establishing collaborative arrangements with local partner organizations, and drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Nepal.
Uno de los temas de negociación en la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) que ha atraído una atención preferente de los países de América Latina es el que dice relación con la instalación de un mecanismo, dentro de este convenio internacional, que pudiera movilizar recursos financieros para hacer frente a los procesos de deforestación y degradación que ocurren en
La presente Ley establece normas orientadas a garantizar a todas las personas el efectivo ejercicio del derecho al acceso a la información pública, a través de la implementación de las modalidades, plazos, excepciones y sanciones correspondientes, que promuevan la trasparencia del Estado.
Tờ thông tin giới thiệu phạm vi và phương thức tiếp cận dự án. Kể từ năm 2009, RECOFTC đã và đang thực hiện dự án khu vực về xây dựng năng lực cấp cơ sở cho REDD+ thông qua hỗ trợ của Norad với mục đích thúc đẩy sự tham gia hiệu quả của nhiều bên liên quan đa dạng cấp cơ sở trong cuộc đối thoại khu vực Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương về BĐKH và REDD+.
This is the final report of the “Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+” project in the Asia-Pacific region. The report highlights key achievements and impacts of the project, implemented in four countries—Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal and Vietnam between August 2010 and July 2013 in partnership with a total of 18 organizations.
This report covers eight ASEAN countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia (particularly the state of Sabah), Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam). The report examines the current status of social forestry in climate mitigation and adaptation in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and aims to update the Initial Baseline Assessment on Social
This annual progress report highlights key achievements and lessons learned of the “Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+” project in the Asia‐Pacific region in 2013.
Community forestry (CF) and Community Protected Areas (CPA) have been established for well over a decade in Siem Reap province. The study investigates the socioeconomic benefits gained by CPA and CF members from their participation in Community-Based Resources Management CBNRM. In CBNRM, local communities are responsible for the management of local resources.