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Habitat III National Report Tanzania

Reports & Research
Juin, 2016

Tanzania implemented extensive policy, legislative and structural reforms taken
and taken several other measures to fulfil her commitments to the Habitat II
Agenda. Yet achieving the objectives of "shelter for all" and "sustainable human
settlements in an urbanizing world" has remained elusive, due to financial and
human resource limitations of the urban authorities and rapid urbanization. Lack
of access to affordable housing, finance, land and services has resulted in most of

City building and regime creation in the peripheries for Mumbai

Reports & Research
Mars, 2016
Southern Asia

In terms of the splintering of cities, it is important to understand contemporary urbanization processes, speculative real estate development, and ways to challenge these via new modes of politics. This case study analyzes the impacts of largely ‘illegal’ city building, on different groups of people within the city, particularly relating to spatial (in)justice and violence.

Migration, Informal Urban Settlements and Non-market Land Transactions: a case study of Wewak, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea

Conference Papers & Reports
Mai, 2012
Papua New Guinea

This paper examines the various ways in which migrant settlers have gained and maintained access to land in the informal urban settlements of Wewak, the provincial capital of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Urban population growth in PNG and in Pacific Island states more generally is predicted to grow rapidly over the next two decades. Given the limited availability of formal housing for lower income people, it is likely that many will live in informal urban settlements on land owned by customary landowners.

El desarrollo sostenible de los asentamientos humanos en América Latina y el Caribe

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2006
Latin America and the Caribbean

La ciudad es una matriz física y simbólica de la modernidad de nuestras sociedades y es en ella donde más se evidencian las tensiones y contradicciones del desarrollo urbano no-sostenible en nuestra región (concentración de la riqueza y de los vínculos con la globalización económica, severas inequidades y exclusiones sociales, contaminación, consumo energético irracional, pobreza urbana, entre muchos otros);.

Sustainable human settlements development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Institutional & promotional materials
Février, 2005
Latin America and the Caribbean

This document presents an overview of the regional progress made towards the targets and commitments derived from implementation plans and programmes for the main agreements of the Johannesburg Summit and Agenda 21 regarding human settlements thematic cluster in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has been submitted as part of the preparatory process for the twelfth session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, held in May 2004.