In this report, we present a review of the oilseed production and processing sector in Ukraine. We begin by analysing oilseed, oil and meal supply and demand, and concentrate more specifically on sunflower seed. We then proceed to discuss the main policy issues that currently have an impact in…
The present “Supplement to the Report on the 1990 WCA” presents the census results collected from the reports issued by the countries that conducted censuses during the 1986-1995 decade and made them available to FAO after mid-1997. This publication also provides, in an internationally…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
The Project was created as a result of an urgent need to protect cultivated land against the severe degradation caused by wind and water erosion in the Korqin Sandy Lands, to improve the socio-economic well being of the inhabitants of the region and for the need to sustainable produce wood for…
Water, an essential component of life supporting systems, is at the forefront of discussions on global sustainability and food security. Water also has a major role in poverty alleviation and local food security. The technology for a more effective use of the resource is known but institutional…
Forecasts for the forest resource and roundwood supply are one of the two fundamental parts of ETTS V (the other is consumption and production projections). National ETTS V correspondents were asked to provide detailed forecasts for the area, growing stock, increment, fellings and removals of…
Paper explores the relationships between the following concepts under the conditions of Middle Eastern semi-arid ecosystems. Paper states that there are two apparent contradictions in the title of this paper. First, grazing by domestic livestock is often considered to be hostile to nature…
We measured productivity and diversity of annual plant communities in humanâmade pits and mounds (20 ° 30 ° 100 cm) in the Northern Negev of Israel. We differentiated the species according to propagule size, dispersal mode, and geographical distribution in Israel. Our results in 28…
The ideal water contract for a heterogeneous population of users is a prioritized right that is fully vested and fully tradable. A set of tradable, prioritized rights contracts will span the same space as the Debreu contingent commodities. Therefore, they lead to a competitive equilibrium that…
En muchas partes del mundo la escasez cada vez mayor de agua y el mal uso de agua dulce plantea graves problemas al desarrollo sostenible. Como más de dos tercios del agua que se toma de los ríos, lagos y acuíferos de la tierra se destinan al riego, la agricultura se considera una válvula de…