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Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

This report presents the results from a regional training workshop on MASSCOTE which was held at Aleppo, Syria in 2009. A total of twenty Irrigation and Agriculture engineers from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria participated in the training workshop focusing on MASSCOTE application in Mounshaat-Al-Asad…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

Сектор животноводства быстро трансформируется в ответ на перемены в мировой экономике и изменения в ожиданиях со стороны общества. Общество ожидает от животноводства, что оно обеспечит растущее городское население достаточным количеством безопасного продовольствия и волокон и останется…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

Foreign acquisitions of farmland in Africa and elsewhere have become the focus of concern. Many observers consider them a new form of colonialism that threatens food security of the poor. However, investments could be good news if the objectives of land purchasers are reconciled with the…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

畜牧部门正在快速地转变,以适应全球经济的 变化和不断演变的社会预期。人们希望畜牧部门为不 断增长的城市人口提供安全充足的食物和纤维,为十 亿多贫困生产者和销售者提供生计,并且提供有关粮 食安全、环境可持续性和动物源性疾病的全球公共产 品。然而,畜牧部门转变速度之快导致其增长失衡。 这一点反映在畜牧部门内部在生产规模、强度和效率 方面出现了日益扩大的两级分化,还反映在无法预料 的社会、营养、动物卫生和环境方面的影响。畜牧部 门的转变及其转变速度给生计、人类和动物卫生以及 环境造成了系统性风险。为了应对二十一世纪的挑战 和制约,畜牧部门需要适当的制度、研究、发展干预…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

Fisheries around the world make essential contributions to human well-being including the provision of basic food supplies. employment, recreational opportunities. foreign currency and others, providing benefits to hundreds of millions of people. Despite these benefits, our record of managing…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

Les forêts du monde fournissent des avantages économiques, sociaux et environnementaux d’une importance cruciale. Elles génèrent des moyens de subsistance pour les populations, fournissent des produits ligneux et non ligneux, procurent de l’eau potable et abritent la moitié des espèces animales…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

This publication describes the experience of a number of transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union with crafting regulatory frameworks for irrigation water users’ organizations. It also seeks to distil a number of key regulatory requirements. As a result…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

This paper was prepared as a Background Paper for Chapter 2 of the International Fund for Agricultural Development’s 2009 Rural Poverty Report. It begins by providing an overview discussion of the diversity of natural resources in developing countries, and rights of access, tenure and governance…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

The articles in this volume supplement FAO Land Tenure Studies 10, Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation. The latter publication explains what compulsory acquisition and compensation are and what constitutes good practice in this area. This current volumes introductory article…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

This Guide aims to assist indigenous peoples and their organizations on how to use the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security1 (hereafter “Right to Food Guidelines” or “Guidelines”) to promote their…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

A incerteza dos direitos das mulheres e das crianças à propriedade e heranÃça em muitos países na ÃÂfrica sub sahariana não são um assunto novo. Os sistemas de apoio à família alargada que costumavam funcionar como redes de segurança social para as viúvas e crianças órfãs enfraqueceram como…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009