Forests play major roles in climate change. They contribute carbon emissions when destroyed or degraded and they suffer from changing climate, drought and extreme weather. Managed sustainably, they can provide a unique environmental service by removing excess carbon from the atmosphere, storing…
Il y a neuf mois à peine, la FAO, le GIEC, l’IUFRO et le CIFOR ont convenu de la première Rencontre d’experts sur l’harmonisation des définitions sur les forêts à l’usage des différentes parties prenantes. Pour commencer, son objectif était d’harmoniser les définitions sur les forêts en ne…
La Conferencia Internacional sobre la Contribución de los Criterios e Indicadores para la Ordenación Forestal Sostenible: El camino a seguir (CICI - 2003) fue organizada por el Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB) de Guatemala en la ciudad de Guatemala, del 3 al 7 de febrero de 2003, con el…
La Conférence internationale sur la contribution des critères et indicateurs de la gestion forestière durable: Perspectives d'avenir (CICI - 2003) a été accueillie par les Services forestiers nationaux du Guatemala (Instituto Nacional de Bosques, INAB) à Guatemala City du 3 au 7 février…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
Is a forest with 1 000 species better, and managed better, than a forest with 500 species? This issue of Unasylva looks at issues related to forest biological diversity and its conservation and sustainable use. One of the key messages is that numbers are not the only issue.
Temperate broad-leaved trees grow in different ecosystems in the northern and southern hemispheres, but are also found extensively in many tropical and subtropical mountain areas. A wide range of non-wood forest products derived from temperate broad-leaved trees, and their description is…
This paper argues that the capacity of indigenous groups to engage effectively in environmental planning activities, at different levels, is crucial to securing land justice and community security. This argument is made against the backdrop of tensions between indigenous peoples residing in post…
Five years after the World Food Summit, and at the beginning of the twenty-first century, The State of Food and Agriculture reflects on some of the main challenges faced in eliminating world hunger and poverty. The task may be daunting, but so are the numbers of hungry and undernourished people…