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Reports & Research
Juillet 2018

In developed and developing countries all over the world, farmers and indigenous and local communities have traditional knowledge, expertise, skills and practices related to food security and to food and agricultural production and diversity. Since its creation in 1945, FAO has recognized the…

Journal Articles & Books
Juin 2018

The massive increase in demand for woodfuel for cooking caused by sudden influxes of refugees and other displaced people is usually the main driver of forest degradation and deforestation in displacement settings. It places enormous pressure on nearby forests and woodlands and is often a source…

Journal Articles & Books
Juin 2018

La première édition de la Base de référence mondiale pour les ressources en sols (WRB) a été publiée lors du 16ème Congrès Mondial de la Science du Sol à Montpellier en 1998. Lors du même événement, elle fut adoptée comme système de corrélation des sols et de communication internationale de l…

Institutional & promotional materials
Mai 2018

Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations – Mongolia is a country factsheet that provides information on the project “Increase the use of the VGGT among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations”, a general overview of…

Institutional & promotional materials
Avril 2018

Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations – Malawi is a country factsheet that provides information on the project “Increase the use of the VGGT among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations”, a general overview of…

Journal Articles & Books
Avril 2018

This study draws on some case studies of land reforms in different South Asian countries. These reforms came on the national and international agenda in a major way in the post- World-War II period and were led by the transition theory, requiring agriculture to provide both surplus and labor for…

Journal Articles & Books
Avril 2018

This publication reports the proceedings of the twenty-sixth session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 23 to 27 October 2017. The main themes considered were: Forestry in a new landscape; Guidelines for using forest concessions to manage public…

Journal Articles & Books
Mars 2018

The Global Forest Resources Assessment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) celebrates its 70th Anniversary in 2018. FAO's forestry department whishes to commemorate this important occurrence with a special publication on the history of the past 70 years of…

Journal Articles & Books
Mars 2018

Ce guide de l’élève magnifiquement illustré a pour objectif de présenter aux enfants de 10 à 13 ans les différents aspects et rôles des forêts. Il accompagne et complète le guide de l’enseignant À la découverte des forêts, et s’associe au programme scolaire en matière de science, géographie et…

Journal Articles & Books
Mars 2018

There are numerous global, regional, national and even subnational targets for increasing forest area and forest restoration. In light of these global targets and emerging ambitious national commitments, it is imperative to develop low-cost strategies and techniques for landscape restoration.…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février 2018

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) set out internationally-accepted principles and standards for responsible practices, providing a framework for governments, the private sector and civil…