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International Conventions or Treaties
Décembre 1978

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) - currently ratified by 187 countries - is the only human rights treaty that deals specifically with rural women (Art. 14). Adopted in 1979 by the United Nations Generally Assembly, entered into force in 1981…

Décembre 1975

The constitution was approved by the National Assembly ratified in a popular referendum.

Décembre 1967
Décembre 1729

This Act makes provision for the payment of compensation for withholding of property by persons acting in collusion with tenants and for the recovery of non-paid rent. The Act also makes provision for the renewal of leases without the surrender of land.


This Act is divided into 7 Chapters and 48 articles: State lands (Chap. I); Reserves (II); Private lands owned by the State (III); Rights and obligations regime on lands (IV); Transfer procedures (V); Registries of rights and obligations (VI); Final provisions (VII). This Act defines State lands…


This Regulation is divided into 5 Chapters, 46 articles and 1 annex: Preliminary provisions (Chap. I); Classification procedure (II); Land selection procedure (III); Final provisions (IV); Classification system for agricultural lands to be distributed (V); Inscription and Cadastral Number (annex…


This Decree regulates the ownership of lands occupied by non-owners. It consists of 6 articles defining the conditions under which land users may request, (free of charge) the ownership of lands within one year from the date of this Decree.


This Act regulates the right of use of public and private lands of the Overseas territories. It consists of 33 parts specifying the conditions to be satisfied, in order to exploit occupied and non-occupied land for different uses. It establishes the requirements to be met in order to benefit…