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Décembre 2000

Report which alleges that International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans and policies have caused extensive deforestation in each of the 15 countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia studied.This forest loss, the author claims, has occurred both directly and indirectly through:the IMF's…

Reports & Research
Décembre 2000

This issue of Caravan chronicles ICARDA’s efforts in developing a research strategy and a need-based research program for the CAC region. In doing so, ICARDA played a major role in bringing together all partners, most importantly donors. The article on page 8 traces the history of this effort…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 1999

This report presents the outcome of a macroeconomic survey of the forest sector of the Republic of Latvia. It presents issues and parameters facing public and private sector decision-makers in their respective attempts to develop this sector. It identifies opportunities and constraints to…

Décembre 1998

Condominium is a non-commercial organization that is set up by a half of the constituent assembly of the owners of housing facilities in a single or several compactly situated residential palaces united by common plot of land and elements of infrastructure or in a single block-section of a…

Journal Articles & Books
Mai 1998

FIRST PARAGRAPH OF CHAPTER: Uzbekistan emerged as an independent state in September l99l with a legacy of an undiversified monocultural agriculture heavily specialized in cotton. During the Soviet era, cotton production in Uzbekistan registered persistent gains from the very beginning of…

Décembre 1997
Décembre 1997

The purpose of the present Law is to establish legal basis for keeping state land cadastre, use of cadastre data for economic development, ensuring guarantees of rights to land plots, rational use, restoration and protection of soil. The document consists of 26 articles. Article 1 determines the…