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Reports & Research
Décembre 2014

An Assessment of the Economics of Land Degradation for Improved Land Management in Central Asia
Inception and Training Workshop
23 - 25 February 2015
Antalya, Turkey

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2014

Poor performance of government-managed irrigation systems persists globally. This paper argues that addressing performance requires not simply more investment or different policy approaches, but reform of the bureaucracies responsible for irrigation management. Based on reform experiences in The…

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre 2014

This paper presents a multifactor approach for performance assessment of Water Users Associations (WUAs) in Uzbekistan in order to identify the drivers for improved and efficient performance of WUAs. The study was carried out in the Fergana Valley where the WUAs were created along the South…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2014

In the literature on the implementation of national policies there is an assumption that these get implemented uniformly within one country. Here, with a focus on the implementation of national policy on shifting from administrative to hydrological/ hydrographic principles of water management in…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2014
Reports & Research
Novembre 2014

The Annual Report of FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme covers programme and projects activities undertaken between January 2013 to December 2013

Reports & Research
Novembre 2014

The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is a major international initiative with a vision ‘to improve global governance of the limited soil resources of the planet in order to guarantee healthy and productive soils for a food secure world, as well as sustain other essential ecosystem services’. The…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2014

Ky udhëzues teknik për Qeverisjen e tokës për gratë dhe burrat synon të ndihmojë në vënien në jetë të “Udhëzimeve vullnetare për qeveris-jen e përgjegjshme të të drejtave mbi tokën, burimet e peshkimit dhe pyjet në kuadër të sigurisë ushqimore kombëtare” (FAO, 2012b) për-mes ofrimit të…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2014

Forest governance assessment is an expanding practice. People are using Assessments to watch for developing problems, diagnose needs for reform, Monitor progress of programs, and evaluate impacts. Governments, civil society Organizations, development partners, academics and coalitions of…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mars 2014

The Menarid Knowledge Management initiative offers three services that will improve the effectiveness and wider use of IFAD projects – and potentially other rural development initiatives active in sustainable land and water management.

Institutional & promotional materials
Février 2014

MENA’s permanent cropland – currently at less than 6% of the total land area – is shrinking due to serious land degradation and recurrent droughts. The region faces the most severe water shortage in the world with annual renewable water resources per capita estimated to decline from 1,045 m3/yr…

Décembre 2013

Center for Development Research (ZEF) report to evaluate the cotton production sectors in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and to develop potential avenues for improvement.
In this report a broad comparison of the cotton growing sectors in these two Central Asian republics is presented, followed…