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These Regulations amend the Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) Regulations in provisions concerning: licences for dealers, registration of dealers, and fees for development. They also insert a new regulation 5A on conditions to e complied with by a developer who wishes to have discharged from…

National Policies

C’est dans le cadre de faire face aux dommages que le secteur agricole a subi suite au seisme du 12 janvier 2010 qui a frappé le pays, que le Haiti a lancé le Programme Triennal de Relance Agricole qui couvre la période 2013-2016. Il s’agit d’un programme sectorielle d’une portée nationale qui…


Esta Ley declara reserva agrícola la finca La Hermosura, ubicada en el barrio Quebrada Arenas del Municipio de Las Piedras, Puerto Rico. Asimismo dispone que la Junta de Planificación, en coordinación con el Departamento de Agricultura, identificará todas las fincas con potencial agropecuario en…


This Act provides for the establishment of the Dominica Air and Sea Ports Authority as a body corporate, defines powers and functions of the Authority, provides with respect to administration and operations of the Authority and regulates certain matters in respect of airports and seaports.The…


This Act amends the Register of Interests Act in section 1 (short title and commencement) and by deleting the words “Legislative Council” wherever they appear in the Act and substituting the words “House of Assembly and the words “U.K. S.I. 1976 No. 2145” wherever they appear in the Act and…


This Act amends the Physical Planning and Development Control Act in section 2 by inserting a new part on financial provisions regarding the Planning and Development Authority.
Amends: Physical Planning and Development Control Act (No. 25 of 2002). (2002-09-05)


La presente introduce algunas enmiendas a la Ley de Servidumbres de Conservación de Puerto Rico con el propósito de reforzar la figura de la servidumbre de conservación y establecer ciertos controles adicionales en el otorgamiento de los beneficios contributivos. En particular, modifica el…


La presente Ley de Tierras de Puerto Rico tiene por objetivo último fomentar el bienestar de los habitantes de Puerto Rico a través de la estabilidad económica, justicia social y libertad económica de agricultores, trabajadores y habitantes en general en la zona rural del país, proveyendo una…


This Act provides with respect to leases and sales of settled estates. “Settled estates” signifies land, and any estate or interest therein, which is the subject of a settlement. “Settlement” signifies any instrument under or by virtue of which any land or any estate or interest in land stands…


This Act amends the Quarries Control Act in provisions concerning, among other things: fees, offences, (transfer of) licences, interpretations. It also inserts new sections on: the requirement for authorization of adjoining landowner or agent in case of quarry operations near to the boundary…


La presente Ley del Servicio Hidrográfico y Geodésico de la República de Cuba, establece que el Servicio Hidrográfico y Geodésico estará adscripto al Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias y comprenderá las actividades geodésicas, hidrográficas, catastrales, cartográficas,…


The Act amends the Aliens Landholding Regulation Act by making minor changes in sections 4 and 5 on the acquisition by aliens of land for residential respectively commercial purposes.
Amends: Aliens Landholding Regulation Act, 1995 (No. 17 of 1995). (1995-05-15)