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La presente Resolución modifica el Procedimiento para la construcción, reconstrucción, remodelación y legalización de las bienhechurías en tierras entregadas en usufructo, respecto a la necesidad de efectuar un levantamiento por las entidades estatales que administran las tierras entregadas en…


This Act makes provision for rights in land of the Crown and citizens of Barbuda and related matters such as registration and provides rules relative to the development of land in Barbuda.The Act states that all land shall be owned in common by the people of Barbuda and that the land shall vest…


The objectives of the Act are to achieve orderly land development and orderly, efficient and equitable planning, allocation and development of resources of Dominica (sect. 3). The Act consists of 90 sections divided into 10 Parts: General (I); Administration (II); Development Plans (III);…


This Act concerns a system of geospatial data collection and storage for the Bahamas. It establishes the Bahamas National Geographic Information Systems Centre, the Geospatial Advisory Council and the Bahamas Spatial Data Infrastructure Program. The Centre shall, among other things, serve as the…


Le présent décret détermine les bonnes conditions agricoles et environnementales des terres ; les particularités topographiques; et la suppression des règles spécifiques aux départements d’outre-mer (Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, La Réunion, Mayotte et Saint-Martin).En effet, le versement de…


This Act makes provision for the appointment of the Director of Physical planning by then Governor-General, the constitution of the Town Planning Committee, grants powers to these institutions and the Minister in respect of town planning and provides rules relative to town planning. The Director…


La presente Resolución resuelve que a Oficina Nacional de Hidrografía y Geodesia (ONHG), adscripta al Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, es el órgano de dirección que ejerce las funciones de representación y ejecución estatal del Servicio Hidrográfico y Geodésico. La ONHG es el…


These Regulations amend the Registration (Strata Titles) Regulations in relation with application to the Commission of Strata Corporations by a corporation for first registration pursuant to section 4(4) of the Act and renewal of registration, and (application for) waiver or reduction of the…


Esta Ley se inserta en el marco de la política pública enfocada en la protección de los terrenos de mayor valor y productividad agrícola, con el objetivo último de asegurar la producción de alimentos a nivel local y minimizar la dependencia de la importación de productos del exterior. Dentro de…


The Land Tribunal is established under section 3 of the Act. Subject to this Act and any other written law, the Tribunal shall have jurisdiction: (a) to hear and determine appeals against a decision of the Adjudication Officer made under the Land Adjudication Act, or to review any recording,…


This Act provides with respect to the application for and the granting of loans for an agricultural purpose, or for a purpose declared under section 39 to be an approved purpose, the security necessary for the support of such loans and relative proof of title of rights in land. Where a person…


This Ordinance of the Governor of Sint Maarten provides rules relative to matters of inheritance. It replaces completely book 4 and title 3 of Book 7 of the Civil Code. It concerns inheritance based on will an intestate. Various provisions concern rights in land, including usufruct and lease of…