Ministerial Decree No. 510 validating the Regulation on licensing geodetic and cartographic activities.
ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ КАБИНЕТА МИНИСТРОВ РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 14 ноября 2003 г. N 510 Об утверждении Положения о лицензировании геодезической и картографической деятельности.
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This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities for licensing geodetic and cartographic activities carried out by legal persons. Such licences shall be model (simple) and be valid for five years. Licensing terms and conditions shall include: (a) observance of legislation in the sphere of geodesy and cartography; (b) access to geodetic and cartographic equipment and other technical means; and (c) possession of normative and technical documentation regulating geodetic and cartographic activity. Applicants must submit the following documentation: (a) application; (b) notarized copy of state registration certificate; (c) receipt for payment of the licensing fee; and (d) attestation of access to metrological equipment.
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