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Community Organizations Oxfam Great Britain
Oxfam Great Britain
Oxfam Great Britain
Oxfam GB
Non Governmental organization


United Kingdom

Oxfam is a global movement of millions of people who share the belief that, in a world rich in resources, poverty isn't inevitable. In just 15 years, extreme poverty has been halved. 15 more years and we can end it for good.

To spread that change and make it last, political solutions are also needed to tackle the root causes of poverty and create societies where empowered individuals can thrive.

We will always act, we will speak out, and we won't live with poverty.



Displaying 56 - 60 of 97

Greener Tanzania through climate resilient livelihoods and land use management


The project supports three organizations in Arusha region in Tanzania in their process to lift their members’ climate resilience and green economy aiming at giving them a more prominent role in climate action. This contributes to climate justice since this focus group's need to prepare for climate change has been negleted before. The organizations will receive support to strengthen their capacity to manage climate planning, its implementation and finally advocate for climate funding, which will enable a larger outreach. In the project area, the population is predominantly from indigenous tribes (Maasai) and thus, it strengthens the position of vulnerable people. The project activities will focus on two outcome areas: i) strengthening the organizations and the services their provide for their members for climate resilience inclusively and ii) strengthening their members' livelihoods in green transition. Climate change impacts already smallholders and their livelihoods. The project facilitates the organizations policy advocacy for climate action based on fair, transparent and inclusive decision making. The project strengthens organizations' capacity according to their members’ needs for climate resilience. Activities cover competence building and climate priority mapping which create a foundation for green livelihoods. Awareness raising activities target both the community level but also larger public. Land rights for communities are critical and thus rights-based activities focus on clarifying lands governed through customary right of occupancy. A special attention will be given to women through Women’ Rights and Leadership Forums. Some basic equipment required for water management and energy efficiency are provided for the poor households to reduce time needed for water fetching and reduce the need for fuel. Disabled person have a separate budget for actions they consider priorities but activities with disabled start with awareness raising on their rights and possibilities. The project will be implemented in a coordinated manner with Trias-Tanzania, and is part of FFD's climate action.

F.a: Local Alternative Dispute Resolution Project (LADR)


1. Project: 12269 (Local Alternative Dispute Resolution Project (LADR)) 2. Project area and Country: Kampong Speu, Pursat and Kampong Chhnang provinces in Cambodia. 3. Project justification: The current situation of land dispute in Cambodia is very critical. Many factors have caused the disputes, including conflict setting, land history and political condition. Accessing land titles is still a constraint for many people in rural areas. Although most community members process land, issuing land titles is complicated as the issue of land titles takes time and money. The vulnerable people in the communities often have no land titles, resulting in land conflicts with their neighbors and newcomers as the land of the poor people is an easy target for powerful people and private companies. When land conflict cases have been brought to the provincial court, the ruling is often against the poor people due to corruption in the institution. Right-holders are poor and the majority of community people are illiterate, they do not understand the process to obtain land possessions. They lack information on land law, land registration and family law from relevant local authorities. The duty-bearers have limited knowledge and skills on Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR), meaning they have to send all land conflicts to district and provincial courts for decision-making that cost much money to spend for the right-holders. 4. The main objective and the expected results: The project aims to have peace and harmonization in the five districts of Pursat, Kampong Chhnang and Kampong Speu provinces through local dispute cases solved successfully and peacefully by Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) institutional structure. To achieve the goal, the project commits to see the change of ADR institutional structure's capacity and network from national to local levels; and also the provision of ADR to community members by duty bearers. 5. Right-holders/beneficiaries: 4,330 persons (2,120 females), including 346 children (138 girls), 218 youths (102 females) and 20 People With Disability (6 females). Duty bearers: Village Leaders, Village Development Committee (VDC), Commune Dispute Resolution Committees, Commune Councils, Commune Committee for Women and Children (CCWC) Officials in District Cadastral Commissions (DCCs) 6. Implementing partner: Life With Dignity (LWD) 7. Budget 2022: EUR 92,000

Greening Kaptagat: Establishing agroforestry and clean energy solutions within a forest-based landscape in Ken


Outcomes of the Funded Activity 1.By 2022, project interventions in the Kaptagat landscape create the foundations to reduce emissions, contribute to poverty alleviation, address land degradation, and Influence County, national and global climate change policy commitments. Outputs of the Funded Activity 1. A Kaptagat integrated landscape restoration plan is established and under implementation, including >1,000 ha under restoration 2.Strengthened local capacity results in enhanced and diversified livelihoods being initiated towards increased climate resilience for 1,000 people living in the Kaptagat forest landscape. BEIS ICF Grant Agreement T & Cs 45 3.Progress is made towards the implementation of green recovery solutions in the wider Elgeyo Hills-Cherangany Ecosystem and national/regional/global climate change approaches are influenced by key project insights and lessons learnt.