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Community Organizations Government of the Northern Mariana Islands
Government of the Northern Mariana Islands
Government of the Northern Mariana Islands
Governmental institution


Northern Mariana Islands

Under US administration as part of the UN Trust Territory of the Pacific, the people of the Northern Mariana Islands decided in the 1970s not to seek independence but instead to forge closer links with the US. Negotiations for territorial status began in 1972. A covenant to establish a commonwealth in political union with the US was approved in 1975, and came into force on 24 March 1976. A new government and constitution went into effect in 1978.

The Northern Mariana Islands are a presidential democracy and are part of the commonwealth in political union with the US.

Source: CIA World Factbook



Displaying 21 - 25 of 38

Commonwealth Recycling Act of 1999 (P.L. 11-112).

Îles Mariannes du Nord

This Act grants the power to the Division of Environmental Quality, the authority to develop Advance Disposal Fees (ADFs) for specific materials deemed viable for diversion. The Division is authorized to evaluate those specific materials and develop a fee structure through regulation which will provide the proper economic support for diversion programmes. The evaluation shall be carried out in accordance with criteria set out in this Act.

An Act to amend 9 CMC Section 5807(b) and to add a new subsection (1f) to prohibit the launching of boats or other watercraft from beaches (P.L. 3-47).

Îles Mariannes du Nord

This Act amends section 5807 of 9 CMC so as to place restrictions on the launching of any boat or other watercraft and the entering upon beaches by any motor vehicle for purposes of protecting the environment and historic or tourist sites. In order to avoid environmental degradation through erosion and pollution caused by the motor trailers and other motor vehicles the Act allows only launching of boats from launch pads specifically designed for such use.

Agricultural Homestead Waiver Act (P.L. 11-96).

Îles Mariannes du Nord

This Act concerns the waiving of any requirements, limitations or regulations relating to the agricultural homesteading program by the Marianas Public Land Corporation.Any person who can demonstrate continuous and actual occupancy or use of public land for agricultural purposes for period of 15 years prior to a specified date or who can demonstrate that he or she would have continuously and actually occupied or used public land for agricultural purposes for a period of 15 years prior to a specified date, shall be legally entitled to all the rights and interest of ownership of such land, and

An Act to define “public purpose” pursuant to Section 1, Article X of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Constitution; and for other purposes (P.L. No. 11-84).

Îles Mariannes du Nord

This Act provides a definition of “public purpose” applicable wherever that term appears in the constitution, laws. statutes, code, rules and regulations of the Commonwealth, unless otherwise provided for by law. The term “public purpose” shall include, but not be limited to, any purpose which meets one or more of the criteria set out by this Act. The Act also defines a public purpose in relation with the occurance of (natural) disasters.

Amended by: An Act to amend Public Law 11-84; and for other purposes (P.L. 12-2). (2000-03-31)

Beach Preservation Act of 1998 (P.L. No. 11-62).

Îles Mariannes du Nord

This Act places restrictions on the mining of sand on beaches in order to protect the natural environment and the coastal zone and to prevent its deterioration and destruction.The Act prohibits the excavation or removal of sand from a prohibited area, i.e. presumably an area other than an Authorized Area. An Authorized Area is an area outside the coastal zone that has been designated by the Secretary of the Department of Public Works in concurrence with the Coastal Resources Management Office and the Division of Public Lands as a sand mining area.