Focal point
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. FAO is also a source of knowledge and information. We help developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices and ensure good nutrition for all. Since our founding in 1945, we have focused special attention on developing rural areas, home to 70 percent of the world's poor and hungry people.
Displaying 2611 - 2615 of 5074Resources Management to Adapt to Climate Change in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
For more information, visit the"> ITPGRFA website . This BSF project aims at developing 11 specific strategies for conservation and utilization of rice, maize, wheat, barley and potato, which account for the largest proportion of people’s food consumption in the country and are indispensable for food security.
CIS Regional Assessment for the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and its partners will hold consultations on various issues relating to the voluntary guidelines on responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources. The voluntary guidelines aim to provide practical guidance for State governance bodies, civil society and the private sector. The voluntary guidelines will provide a basis, which interested parties can use when developing their strategies and activities.
Water management: technologies that save and grow . Factsheet 4
Sustainable intensification requires smarter, precision technologies for irrigation and farming practices that use ecosystem approaches to conserve water.
Boletín de recursos naturales y medio ambiente
Bienvenidos al primer número de 2011 del Boletín de recursos naturales y medio ambiente. En este número presentaremos la nueva Revista sobre Tenencia de la tierra, una publicación en formato electrónico cuyo primer número acaba de ser lanzado. La revista está dedicada a los asuntos agrarios, incluida la tenencia de la tierra.
Lettre dinformation des ressources naturelles et de lenvironnement
Ce mois-ci, nous célèbrerons, le 22 mars, la journée mondiale de l’eau. Le thème retenu pour cette année est: l’eau pour les villes: répondre au défi urbain. Dans ce numéro, nous vous proposerons une analyse des grands défis auxquels sont confrontées les ressources en eau, en raison de l’accélération des migrations et nous évoquerons une solution possible pour une meilleure utilisation de ces ressources. Nous aurons également le plaisir d’accueillir une nouvelle secrétaire exécutive pour la Commission des ressources génétiques pour l’agriculture.