Displaying 1 - 5 of 31Délîne Final Self-Government Agreement Act (S.N.W.T. 2015, c. 3).
Section 4 of the above-mentioned Act establishes that the Délîne Agreement is approved, given effect and declared valid, and has the force of law. The Act also rules that the Délîne Got’înê Government is a legal entity and has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person. Furthermore, Délîne law that is made in accordance with the Délîne Agreement and has the force of law. The text consists of 17 sections
Implements: Déline Final Self-Government Agreement. (2015-02-08)
Implements: Constitution Act, 1982. (1982-04-17)
Dredging Regulations (N.W.T. Reg. 014-2014).
The present Regulations are made under section 19 of the Northwest Territories Lands Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to dredging activities. Section 2 establishes that the Minister may issue to an applicant a lease granting the exclusive right to dredge for minerals in the submerged bed of a river. The text - consisting of 17 sections - deals with the following aspects: leases, fees, royalties. One Schedule laying down the amount fees charged is enclosed.
Implements: Northwest Territories Lands Act (S.N.W.T. 2014, c. 13). (2015)
Community Planning and Development Act (S.N.W.T. 2011, c. 22).
The present Act provides for community planning and development in the North West Territories. In particular, the purpose of a community plan is to provide a policy framework to guide the physical development of a municipality, having regard to sustainability, the environment, and the economic, social and cultural development of the community.
National Aboriginal Day Act (S.N.W.T. 2001, c.14).
Section 1 of the above-mentioned Act establishes that in recognition of the cultures of the Aboriginal peoples of the Northwest Territories, and in recognition of the significant contributions of Aboriginal persons to the Northwest Territories, and to celebrate and honour those cultures and contributions, June 21 of each year shall be known as "National Aboriginal Day" and shall be observed as a public holiday. The text consists of 2 sections.
Tlicho Community Government Act (S.N.W.T 2004, c. 7).
The present Act establishes the community government of Behchoko, Whatì, Gamètì, and Wekweetì, and describes their boundaries. This Act covers the composition and role of the community council, eligibility to vote, the duties of the chief, and it details the powers of these municipalities.