Topics and Regions
Godfrey Eliseus Massay is a lawyer and land tenure specialist.He has eight years of experience working on land rights and in the natural resource sector in Tanzania, and has written and published numerous articles on land rights in both national and international academic journals.
Displaying 41 - 50 of 218The SAGCOT Greenprint
A Green Growth Investment Framework for the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania
SAGCOT Investment Partnership Program
Peresentation on the initiatives to ensure sustainable water supply for communities and investors in the SAGCOT Corridor
SAGCOT Investmen Partnership Program
Presentation to showcase opportunities in the energy sector to foster agricultural investments in the country.
SAGCOT Investment Partnership Program
Presentation to showcase opportunities in the trasport sector to maximize agricultural investments in the country.
SAGCOT Investment Partnership Program
Aim of SAGCOT is to coordinate Government, donor & corporate investments in agribusiness value-chains and supporting infrastructure (transport, power, irrigation, etc.), so bottlenecks are removed and the entire system works for investors, smallholders and consumers
A Legal Guide to Strengthen Tanzania’s Seed and Input Markets
The Legal Guide was created to share information on Tanzania’s system for regulating seeds and other inputs, including areas such as variety release and registration, seed certification, and trade, and to identify key decision points and challenges that could unlock further development in the seed sector and implementation of existing frameworks. The Legal Guide itself will be part of a larger process of consultation and discussion, with key decision points followed by recommendations and a roadmap for strengthening the regulatory system for seeds and other inputs.
Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania
SAGCOT is a multi-stakeholder partnership aiming to transform agriculture in southern Tanzania. By promoting responsible agricultural investments, SAGCOT seeks to foster economic growth, reduce poverty, and ensure environmental sustainability.
Tanzania Investment Act
An Act to make provision for investment in Tanzania, to provide for more favourable conditions for investors, and for related matters.
Analysis of Agriculture Budget Trends and Outcomes in Tanzania
Several countries in Africa including Tanzania have committed to live to Maputo Declaration that requires AU member states to allocate 10% of national budget to agricultural sector. It is assumed that sustained ten percent allocations into the sector would translate into 6% percent sector growth. However there are arguments whether the 10% percent allocation alone can contribute to food security and reduced poverty levels. The biggest challenge would be where should the government spend money in agriculture sector? How should the government spend the money?
Public Interventions in Agriculture: with What Gender Implications
The Study on Public Interventions in Agriculture: With What Gender Implications was conducted by ANSAF with the purpose to generate relevant data that shall facilitate better understanding on to what extent interventions in Agriculture considered the gender aspect to ensure equal participation of women, men, youth and other marginalized groups in the process.