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Romy leads the development of Land Portal's Country and Thematic portfolios, as well as the curation and ingestion of land-related publications and statistical datasets.
She is a communications specialist and policy advisor/project manager with more than 20 years of experience. She has worked previously with Embrapa (Brazil), CIFOR, FAO, GIZ, amongst other organizations on topics such as community forest management, payments for environmental services and agriculture & food security policy.
For the last 10 years her work has focused on land governance while as a project manager. In 2015 she supported the Global Donor Working Group on Land to advocate and secure SDG indicator 1.4.2 on land tenure security.
Romy holds a BA in Journalism from the Federal University of Pará, Brazil, and an Master of Science in Environmental Governance from the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Displaying 11 - 20 of 123Gender equality and food security - women’s empowerment as a tool against hunger
This publication analyzes gender inequalities that constrain women’s roles in agriculture and food production, and in the long run undermine achievement of food and nutrition security in the Asia and Pacific region. It recommends priority interventions that would enhance food and nutrition security in the region by ending gender discrimination and empowering women. It argues for policy reforms to advance gender equality and strengthen country-owned food security strategies.
Four articles on why women remain central to feed families and the world
In honor of International Women’s Day, this What to Read Digest offers a selection of some of the must-read publications for anyone wishing to understand the link between land, food security and women.
Land governance researchers learn the latest skills to communicate their research
The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa recently held a workshop to train academics in how to communicate their research to decision makers. This blog post summarises the main insights and results of the three-day training in Tanzania.
Cambio climático, conflictos y desplazamientos en el Sahel
En una charla TED de 2009 que ha sido vista más de 35 millones de veces, la novelista nigeriana Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie habla del peligro de una historia única y de las simplificaciones que fomenta. Sus observaciones son totalmente pertinentes en el caso del Sahel. Los medios de comunicación y la política internacional presentan la región del Sahel como una zona de conflictos irresolubles, sequía, hambruna y desplazamientos, pero no ofrecen explicaciones significativas.
Gunmaku Community, Aracataca
This data story has been originally published in May 2022, but updated in January 2024.
Indigenous Reserve La Teófila
This data story has been originally published in June 2022, but updated in January 2024.
Changement climatique, conflits et déplacements au Sahel
Dans un exposé TED de 2009, visionné plus de 35 millions de fois, la romancière nigériane Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie parle du danger d'une histoire unique et des simplifications qu'elle favorise. Ses observations sont tout à fait pertinentes dans le cas du Sahel. Les médias et la sphère politique internationale présentent la région du Sahel comme une zone de conflit, de sécheresse, de famine et de déplacement irréductibles, mais ne fournissent pas d'explications significatives.
Open land data for what? Reflections on sustainability and power
A selection and review of readings that shed light on the role that open land data can play in equitable and sustainable development, and social justice.