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Library Community Monitoring of the Rights to Food and Livelihood

Community Monitoring of the Rights to Food and Livelihood

Community Monitoring of the Rights to Food and Livelihood

This framework serves as a guideline for evaluating the fulfillment of the rights to food and livelihood within the business and human rights framework. The guidelines in this framework can be adopted individually by each party and jointly or collaboratively between parties.

This framework was prepared as an assessment guide for communities living in one area or region and business actors, in this case, land-based companies. This framework aims to provide comprehensive information as a basis for grievance redress and remedy mechanisms (also referred to as complaint and recovery mechanisms) in the context of respecting the rights to food and livelihood.

Therefore, the beneficiaries of this framework include Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs) living around company concessions and the companies operating around residential or IP and LC areas.

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