Cadastre Act. | Land Portal

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This Act makes provision for the registration of property and other rights on land and buildings on land, aircrafts and ships as required by law. Pursuant to article 3 there is established a Cadastre and Public Registers Agency which shall be responsible for the keeping and administration of Public Registers. For each office of the Service there shall be appointed a Land and Public registers Registrar (art. 6). Chapter 2 makes provision for the form and contents of public registers in which rights on goods which require registration are registered. Procedures of registration and requirement with regard to information which shall be submitted are regulated in this Chapter. Chapter 3 provides for cadastral registration, the register of maps and the documents and a network of coordinate points on which registration or maps are based. Chapter 4 provides for the updating of information in the Cadastre. Procedures for the registration of ships are outlined in Chapter 5 (divided into 2 Titles: Contents of registration of ships (1) and Updating of registration of ships (2)). Provisions of Chapter 7 regulate the supply of information from the Public Registers or the Cadastre and the payment of cadastral fees. Chapter 8 contains miscellaneous and final provisions (130 articles divided into 9 Chapters)

Implemented by: Cadastre Decree (No. 571 of 1991). (1991-11-16)
Amended by: Act concerning the independent status of the State Cadastre Office (Cadastre Organization Act). (2010-07-18)
Amended by: Act No. 410 of 2003 to amend Cadastre Act and the Cadastre Organization Act (adjustment of purposes and duties of Cadastre Service and other public registries). (2003-10-09)

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