Act No. 77 of 1985 relative to planning and construction. | Land Portal

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This Act provides rules relative development and to town and country planning in Norway. The Act consists of more than 150 sections divided into 22 Chapters: General provisions (I); Planning and construction authorities (II); Consultation, communication, information (III); Planning at national level (IV); Planning at county level (V); Planning at municipal level (VI); Local Development Plan (VII); Impact assessments (VII-a); Expropriation (VIII); Reimbursement of costs of roads, waterworks, etc. (IX); Aesthetic Commission (X); Division of property (XI); Construction sites (XII); Dwellings (XIII); Special constructions and works (IV); Existing buildings (XV); Handling of applications, liability, control (XVI); Further provisions (XVII); Penal liability (XVIII); Illegal construction practices (XIX); Transitional provisions (XX); Repeal, entry into force, and amendment of other laws (XXI).

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