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  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Law regulates relations between the State and its authorized bodies and legal and natural persons in the process of privatisation of state property. Article 4 defines the basic principles of privatisation. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, within the limits of its competence, shall: manage the process of privatisation of state property in the Republic of Tajikistan; approve programs for the privatisation of state property; establish the order and methods of valuation for objects, subject to privatisation make other decisions on privatisation issues.

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The right of ownership in the Republic of Tajikistan is recognised and protected by law. Enforcement of the right of ownership must not harm the environment and the health of citizens nor must it breach the rights and lawful interests of citizens, enterprises, organizations and the State. Objects falling under the right of ownership include the ground and its resources, water, flora, fauna, tracts of mountains, equipment, raw materials, food products, profits on economic and other intellectual and creative activities of the owner (art. 4).

  3. Library Resource


    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes legal, economic and organizational basis for regulation of transport. It establishes that land of transport shall be considered land allotted to tenants for transport needs. Land relations regarding transport shall be regulated by the national legislation. Special protection areas can be created for the purpose of conservation and efficient operation of transport infrastructure in the areas subject to landslide, avalanches, erosion, flood and other negative environmental impact and natural disasters.

  4. Library Resource

    Закон Республики Казахстан от 16.04.1997 N 94-1 "О ЖИЛИЩНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ".

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates relations regarding housing facilities, including plots of land pertaining to common property of condominiums. In case of demolition of residential building because of expropriation for public needs of the plot of land on which it was located the owner shall have the right to another residential space or compensation at his choice (art. 15). Transfer of residential space shall entail transfer of land ownership (land tenure) rights to a new owner (art. 19).

  5. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The property in the Republic of Uzbekistan is inviolate. Every person has a right for property. The existence of any form of property is allowed in the Republic of Uzbekistan which promotes the efficient functioning of the economy and the growth of the people's well-being. The inviolability and equal conditions for the development of all forms of property are guaranteed by this Law. The Republic of Uzbekistan creates all necessary conditions for the proprietor to ensure the safety and augmentation of property.

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Law determines legal basis for setting up, functioning and liquidation of agricultural entrepreneurial activities (dehkan farms), regulates their rights and duties, and also relations with other legal and natural persons. The Law consists of 7 Chapters that contain 31 articles. Chapter 1 (arts. 1-6) lays down general provisions. Chapter 2 (arts. 7-11) regards allotment of land to dehkan farms, land ownership, land tenure and water use. Chapter 3 (arts. 12-14) establishes the rights and the duties of dehkan farm and its members. Chapter 4 (arts.

  7. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Housing legislation consists of the present Code and other legislative acts. Land legislation and legislation on architecture and urban construction shall be applicable in the field of housing relations if the aforesaid are not regulated by housing legislation. Relations regarding engineering infrastructure and communal services shall be regulated by the present Code and other legislative acts. Local self-government is entitled with the task of allotment of the plots of land for housing (art. 5).

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The main targets of state housing policy are concession of compensation to low-income categories of citizens for the payment of communal services, stimulation by the state of the maintenance of housing facilities by economic and financial means, creation of favourable vital environment equipped with the necessary social, communal, cultural and other services. The Law consists of 4 Sections that contain 28 articles. Section 1 (arts. 1-8) lays down general provisions. Section 2 (arts. 9-13) regards property rights in housing sphere. Section 3 (arts.

  9. Library Resource

    Закон Кыргызской Республики Об энергетике

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    The Law determines the basic principles of the organization and regulation of activities in the fuel and energy sector. All primary energy resources shall be the exclusive property of the state and the management thereof shall be subject to licensing. The Law shall be applicable to energy production, transmission, storage and to such fuels as oil, natural gas, coal and renewable sources of energy.

  10. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ ТАДЖИКИСТАН Об установлении коэффициентов индексации ставок земельного налога.

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The President decrees to establish that beginning from 2001 and for all the subsequent years in case of the modification of the rate setting as regards production costs (determined by the Government) by one percent the rate of land tax shall be increased by 0,7 percent.

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