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  1. Library Resource
    Belgium, Europe, Western Europe

    La liste de terrains annexée à l'arrêté du Gouvernement flamand du 4 mars 1997 portant désignation des terrains faisant l'objet d'une pollution historique du sol dont l'assainissement s'impose, conformément à l'article 30, paragraphe 2, du décret du 22 février 1995 relatif à l'assainissement du sol, est completée par le terrains figurant sur la liste de l'annexe 1 au présent arrêté. L'arrêté comprend 3 articles et 2 annexes.

  2. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act amends article 164, 165 and 169 of Decree-Law No. 327/90 of 22 October (regulating land occupation after forest fires). Amending articles deal with the requirements to be met by landowners who have suffered forest fires.

    Amends: Decree-Law No. 327/90 regulating land occupation after forest fires. (1990-10-22)

  3. Library Resource

    Lov om jord (jordlova).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    An Act to provide for the sustainable use of land and natural resources on it.The text of Part I consists of 18 sections divided into 7 Chapters: Purposes of the Act (I); Application sphere of the Act (II); Land use authorities in municipalities and counties (III); Protection of cultivation and arable land (IV); Partition of agricultural land (V); Expropriation and valuation (VI); Miscellaneous provisions (VII).Chapter IV provides for the protection of agricultural use of land and the protection of agricultural land against misuse by men.

  4. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    A Decree of the Department of the Environment to protect the environment from pollution from tanks for the storage of oil which are lying underground. The provisions of the Decree deal, inter alia, with: quality of tanks (sect. 4); control of tanks in general (sect. 5); periodical controls (sect. 6); automatic leakage control of tanks with double walls (sect. 7); notification of tanks to municipalities (sect. 9); supervisions and registration (sect. 10).

    Implements: Pollution Act (No. 6 of 1981). (2011-03-03)

  5. Library Resource

    Forskrift om deklarering og merking av mikrobiologiske produkter med et bruksområde som medfører tilføring til det ytre miljø.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Decree of the Ministry of Environment implements in Norway EC Council Directive 83/189 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, as amended. The scope is to prevent damage caused by accidental or intentional release of micro organisms to public health or the environment. It does not apply to micro organisms covered by other Acts including the Plant Protection Substances Act, the fertilizer Act, the Food Act, and the Genetically Modified Organisms Act.

  6. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act is divided into 8 Parts as follows: General (I); Possession and land register (II); Ownership (III); Servitudes (IV); Real encumbrances (V); Building leases (VI); Right of pre-emption (VII); Right of security (VIII); Implementation of Act (IX).This Law provides for real rights, their content, creation and extinguishment and is the basis for other laws regulating real rights (art. 1). Real rights are defined as "the right of ownership, restricted real rights (servitudes, real encumbrances, building leases, right of pre-emption and the right of security).

  7. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act governs the implementation of the 1993 Law of Property Act stating that the latter entered into force on 1 December 1993 and that it applies only to legal relations created before that date. It also lists repealed legislation in art. 25 (parts of the Civil Code of the Estonian SSR, parts of the Land Code of the Estonian SSR, the Estonian SSR Farm Act, among others). It also specifies procedural, administrative and other details regarding the various aspects covered in the principal Act.

    Implements: Law of Property Act. (1996-10-08)

  8. Library Resource

    Lov om avhending av fast eigedom (avhendingslova).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act regulates the alienation of land or other real property through voluntary sale, exchange or donation. It is divided into 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Preparation and carrying out of alienation (II); Condition of the real property and ownership (III); Claims of the buyer in case of breach of the sale agreement by the seller (IV); Claims of the seller in case of breach of the sale agreement by the buyer (V); General conditions in case of anticipated breach of the agreement (VI); General conditions regarding compensations. Interests (VII); Entry into force.

  9. Library Resource

    Plan- og bygningslov.


    This Act provides rules relative development and to town and country planning in Norway. The Act consists of more than 150 sections divided into 22 Chapters: General provisions (I); Planning and construction authorities (II); Consultation, communication, information (III); Planning at national level (IV); Planning at county level (V); Planning at municipal level (VI); Local Development Plan (VII); Impact assessments (VII-a); Expropriation (VIII); Reimbursement of costs of roads, waterworks, etc.

  10. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The text of this Decree of the Department of Agriculture consists of 24 sections divided into 4 Chapters: General introductory provisions (I); Implementation and maintenance (II); Ecological cultivation and ecological cleaning measures (III); Final provisions (IV). The aim of granting incentives for investment is to protect agricultural land, to prevent erosion and pollution of the soil, and to enhance biodiversity and natural beauty. Measures are classified as "technical ecological measures" and "ecological planting and cleaning measures".

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