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  1. Library Resource
    June, 2005

    This Regulation determines the conditions for: management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities; assignment of tourist activities; implementation of forest security and control issues; implementation of management issues as regards the water areas present on the territory of previously designed state owned protected areas (also for national parks, reserves).The management and assignment of activities here listed will be in full accordance with the national strategies, plans and programmes in the field of environment, including the requirements of the international environmen

  2. Library Resource
    April, 2017
    United Kingdom

    These Regulations contain provisions relating to: (a) the contents of enforcement notices issued under section 172 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the information to be provided by local planning authorities when serving copies of such notices; (b) the procedure to be followed in relation to appeals against such notices and against listed building and conservation areas enforcement notices issued under section 38(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (Part 3); and (c) the application of the Regulations to such notices issued by the National

  3. Library Resource
    April, 2017
    United Kingdom

    This Order amend the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 Main amendments concern: the procedure in relation to applications referred to the Welsh Ministers pursuant to a direction under section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; the procedure in relation to appeals under section 78 of the 1990 Act; he procedure for appeals under section 195 of the 1990 Act (appeals against refusal or failure to give decision on application for a certificate of lawfulness of existing or proposed use or development).

  4. Library Resource
    April, 2017
    United Kingdom

    These Regulations, together with a number of other statutory instruments made at the same time, establish a new procedure for referred applications and appeals in Wales ("referred applications" are applications for planning permission, listed building consent, conservation area consent and hazardous substances consent referred to the Welsh Ministers for determination.

  5. Library Resource
    June, 1998

    La presente Ley de Ordenación del Territorio y de la Actividad Urbanística, que tiene por objeto la regulación de la ordenación del territorio y de la utilización del suelo para su aprovechamiento urbanístico en Castilla-La Mancha. La actividad administrativa de ordenación de la ocupación, transformación, uso y aprovechamiento del suelo es una función pública, cuyo cumplimiento corresponde a la Administración de la Junta de Comunidades y a los Municipios, en el marco de esta Ley y en las respectivas esferas de competencia que ella les asigna.

  6. Library Resource
    February, 2009

    The Act regulates the acquisition of land on which a usufruct has been established under the Land Reform Act. According to the document, land subject to usufruct under the Land Reform Act which is not required for the exercise of the powers of state, to a local government for the performance of its functions or for other public purposes may be acquired.

  7. Library Resource
    December, 2016

    This Regional Law transfers to local government plenary powers for governance of land plots with undelimited public ownership pertaining to categories of urban land and inhabited rural areas. The aforesaid plenary powers shall be transferred to local government for the period of five years.

  8. Library Resource
    January, 2016

    This Regional Law sets forth a series of arrangements for state support of smallholders (family subsistence farming) with a view of increase of employment and improvement of economic conditions of rural population, promotion of regional food market, and delimits plenary powers of state bodies in the aforesaid sphere. Agricultural commodities produced by smallholders shall be their property, and vending of cash crops shall not be considered entrepreneurial activity. Either urban land or agricultural land in rural areas can be used for family subsistence farming.

  9. Library Resource
    November, 2016

    Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Local government shall set up advisory councils of indigenous peoples abazin, attached to local government, in the areas of their traditional living, with a view of protection of traditional customary rights of indigenous peoples abazin”.

    Amends: Regional Law No. 27-RZ “On guarantees of rights of indigenous peoples abazin”. (2011-07-05)

  10. Library Resource
    June, 2010

    The Regulation lays down the rules for the implementation of common geodesic and GIS (Geographic Information System) standards that must be used by the territorial planning authorities and other public institutions in the Republic of Albania. It consists of four Chapters: General provisions (I); Standards for the data and metadata specifications (II); Standards for the description of data coding and formatting (III); Standards of Network Services (IV).

    Implements: Law No. 10119 on land use planning. (2009-04-23)

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