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  1. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О внесении изменения в Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Item 3 of the Article 8 acquires a new wording: «Rent and the modalities of collection thereof shall be established on contractual basis. Land granted in lease cannot be granted in sublease. The amount of rent granted to foreigners except for agricultural land shall be calculated in conformity with the rates of land charges with the application of coefficient established by the Government».

    Amends: Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. (2013-11-15)

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Federal Law No. 102-FZ must be supplemented with the additional Article 64/1 regarding mortgage of the plot of land purchased with the use of land based credit stating that the aforesaid plot of land shall be considered mortgaged from the moment of the state registration of property rights of the debtor”.

    Amends: Federal Law No. FZ-102 on mortgage. (1998-07-16)

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Article 1 must be supplemented with the following wording: "Land tax for the plots of land purchased by natural and legal persons for housing construction except for individual housing construction shall be doubled for the period of three years required for projecting and construction to the date of state registration of property rights to the real estate”.

    Amends: Law of the RSFSR No. 1738 - 1 of 1991 "On land charges". (1991-10-11)

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The following amendments and addenda must be introduced to the Federal Law No. 101-FZ: 1) Item 1 of the Article 4 must be supplemented with the wording “artificially irrigated land and drained land”; 2) Item 4 of the Article 10 must be supplemented with the following paragraph “Agricultural land conceded to the agricultural organizations in permanent (open-ended) tenure may be conceded in ownership to natural persons free of charge in conformity with the Article 28 of Land Code in cases envisaged by the regional legislation.”

  5. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The following amendments and addenda must be introduced to the Federal Law No. 122-FZ: 1) Article 12 must be supplemented with the following paragraph “Identification of the plot of land in the Common state register of rights shall be carried out in conformity with its cadastre number attributed thereto by state land cadastre institution”. 2) Item 1 of the Article 17 must be supplemented by the following passage “It is not necessary to make available cadastre plan of the plot of land if it has already been inserted in the dossier of legal documentation”.

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The following amendments and addenda must be introduced to the Federal Law No. 209-FZ: 1) In the item 2 of the Article 3 must be supplemented with the wording “topographic monitoring”; paragraph 11 of the same article must be supplemented with the wording “provision with geodetic, cartographic, topographic and hydrographical materials regarding regional and state boundaries”; paragraph 15 of the same article acquires a new wording “setting, normalization, regulation of usage, registration, recording and conservation of the names of geographic objects’’.

  7. Library Resource


    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Plan of a plot of land must be usually designed with the application of the national system of coordinates. For securing the boundaries of a plot of land on location there must be installed landmarks. Specially designed point of a boundary of a plot of land or other object. Average errors in the position of the landmarks respectively to the nearest points of state geodetic network must not exceed 0,1 mm on the map of scale of 1:2000.

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Interdepartmental Commission on Gravitation Metering is set up for examination and decision-making regarding issues concerning gravitation metering on the territory of the Russian Federation, its continental shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and World Ocean. Interdepartmental Commission on Gravitation Metering is entitled to carry out the following tasks: a).

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The President of the State Committee on Land Policy orders to all structural divisions of the Committee, State Committees on Land Resources and Land Survey of the subjects of the Russian Federation, subordinated enterprises, organizations and institutions to adopt the aforesaid Agreement (attached to the present document) for guidance in carrying out geodetic and cartographic activity in the process of carrying out land survey and keeping state land cadastre. Heads of State Committees on Land resources and Land Survey of the subjects of the Russian Federation must: 1).

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