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Showing items 1 through 9 of 6039.
  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Deputy chief of the State Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Complex orders to validate the Instructions. The present Instructions contains directions as regards the modalities of carrying out state control over the use and protection of land in urban and countryside settlements, including temporary settlements and inconstant structure of the population concerning issues assigned to the competence of the institutions of architecture, urban construction and the State architectural and construction survey.

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Minister of Taxes and Dues, in accordance with Instructions No. 56 of 2000 of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues regarding the application of the Law "On land charges" orders to repeal Instruction No. 29 of 1995 of the Federal Tax Service regarding the application of the Land Charges Act, Official Letter No. 29-3 of 1996 regarding amendments and additions No. 3 to the Federal Tax Service Instruction No.

  3. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Monaco, Liechtenstein, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Western Europe, Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe

    Ce protocole a été convenu par les Parties contractantes de la Convention sur la protection des Alpes (Convention alpine) soucieuses d'élaborer une procédure efficace de consultation et de règlement des différends dans le cadre de la Convention alpine et de ses protocoles. En cas de différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'application de la Convention alpine ou de l'un de ses protocoles, les Parties contractantes s'efforcent en priorité de trouver un règlement par voie de consultation ou par une procédure d'arbitrage.

  4. Library Resource
    Belarus, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs is entitled to supervise over production, trade and repair of hunting and sporting weaponry. The Ministry of Housing Facilities and Public Utilities is entitled to carry out activity regarding operation and maintenance of networks, constructions, structures and equipment facilities of water supply, sewerage and water allotment services. The Ministry of Forestry is responsible for logging, soft resin procurement, sap procurement, sawing and planing production.

  5. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Le traitement automatisé d'informations nominatives dénommé « Serveur professionnel de données cadastrales (SPDC) » est mis en oeuvre par la direction générale des impôts sur internet et dans les services des impôts.

  6. Library Resource
    Lithuania, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Regulation governs the procedure regulating the acquisition of non-agricultural plots of land by national and foreign subjects in Lithuania. There are detailed provisions relating to the procedure for submitting and considering applications as well as issuing authorizations for the acquisition of non-agricultural plots of land. The county governor shall consider applications for the acquisition of land (sect. 13).

  7. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Chief of the Department of the Protection of Soil and Land Resources orders to the subordinate divisions of the Department and territorial branches of the Ministry to follow directions of the Regulation on the modalities of carrying out state control over the use and the protection of land. The Chief of the Department of the Protection of Soil and Land Resources orders to validate the list of the officials authorized to carry out state control over the use and the protection of land that are authorized to examine independently the cases of the infringement of land legislation.

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The first deputy minister of State Tax Service elucidates that calculation of taxes of sale of the plots of land or shares of the plots carried out by physical persons to enterprises, departments and organizations is done by the latter while in case of sale of the plots of land to the physical persons the calculation of taxes is done by tax inspections that must deliver payment notification to the sellers. By the end of the calendar year the aforesaid physical persons must submit to tax inspections in the place of the fixed abode income declaration.

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Government, for the purpose of setting up of the unified system of registration of immovable property on the basis of state land cadastre, approves the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of State Property and State Land Cadastre as regards the elaboration of the Federal Special Program "Automatic system of keeping up state land cadastre and state registration of immovable property for the period 2002-2007".

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