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  1. Library Resource


    June, 1996

    Ukraine shall be a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, law-based state (Article 1). The sovereignty of Ukraine shall extend throughout its entire territory. Ukraine shall be a unitary state. The territory of Ukraine within its present borders shall be indivisible and inviolable (Article 2). Everyone shall have the right to an environment that is safe for life and health, and to compensation for damages caused by violation of this right.

  2. Library Resource

    Förderrichtlinie des Ministeriums des Innern zum Aufbau der Geodateninfrastruktur im Land Brandenburg - GDI-Förderrichtlinie.

    Germany, Europe, Western Europe

    The aim of the present Guidelines provide the legal framework for the development and operation of the geo-data infrastructure of Rheinland-Pfalz being part of the national geo-data infrastructure. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Funding purpose and legal basis (1); Object of promotion (2); Beneficiary (3);Conditions and obligations of promotion (4); Nature, scope and amount of payment (5); Other provisions on payment (6); Procedure (7); Entry into force, expiry (8).

  3. Library Resource

    Vejledning om Bekendtgørelse om hovedstadsområdets planlægning (Fingerplan 2013).

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This document gives guidance on the implementation of Fingerplan 2013 land's planning directive for the metropolitan area planning. The National Planning Directive aims to ensure that future Finger Plans by providing a forward-looking common basis for the 34 metropolitan municipalities planning. Finger Plan 2013 builds on and is a revision of the Finger Plan 2007. Finger Plan 2013 replaces the rules of the Finger Plan 2007.

    Implements: Planning Act (No. 587 of 2013). (2013-05-27)
    Implements: Order No. 1037 on metropolitan area's planning (Fingerplan 2013). (2013-08-09)

  4. Library Resource

    Abkommen zwischen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung der Ungarischen Volksrepublik über die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Raumordnung und Raumplanung.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Hungary, Austria, Eastern Europe, Europe, Western Europe

    The Austrian Federal Government and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic in the interests of cooperation in the sphere of regional development and land use planning, in particular as far as the areas close to the common border are concern, have agreed to establishes to this end a Joint Commission being responsible for suggestions and recommendations in the subject-matter The text consists of 7 articles.

  5. Library Resource

    Федеральная служба по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в области охраны культурного наследия Приказ 27 февраля 2009 N 38 Зарегистрировано в Минюсте РФ 27 апреля 2009 г. Регистрационный N 13844 Об утверждении формы паспорта объекта...

    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Order validates the form of certificate for objects of cultural heritage classified as of federal, regional and local (municipal) significance. Objects of cultural heritage include parks and gardens located on urban land. Certificate contains description of objects of cultural heritage, description of boundaries and definition of legal status of land on which they are located.

  6. Library Resource

    Staatsvertrag zwischen der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg und dem Land Schleswig-Holstein über die Anerkennung und Überwachung von Untersuchungsstellen nach § 18 des Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetzes.

    Germany, Europe, Western Europe

    The present Agreement between the Free Hanseatic Town Hamburg and the Land of Schleswig-Holstein lays down provisions relating to the transfer of competences from Hamburg to Schleswig-Holstein concerning sampling of soil inspection according to article 18 of the Soil Protection Act of 17 March 1998 (BGBl. I p. 502). The text consists of 5 articles.

    Implements: Federal Soil Protection Act. (1998-03-17)

  7. Library Resource

    Приказ Министерства экономического развития РФ от 24 ноября 2008 г. N 412 "Об утверждении формы межевого плана и требований к его подготовке, примерной формы извещения о проведении собрания о согласовании местоположения границ земельных участков".

    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Order validates the form of land boundary plan elaborated in the process of cadastre activity.

  8. Library Resource

    Έγκριση Πρακτικών της 3ης συνάντησης της Μικτής Ελληνο-τουρκικής Επιτροπής για την περιβαλλοντική συνεργασία.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Greece, Turkey, Europe, Southern Europe, Asia, Western Asia

    The third meeting of the Greek-Turkish Joint Committee on environmental cooperation was held in Athens with the participation of officials and experts from both sides. The list of delegations is attached herewith. The fields of energy, marine pollution, pollution prevention of the river Evros/Meric and desertification were identified among the other issues in the agenda.

  9. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Il est créé un groupe de travail relatif aux sites et sols pollués dans le cadre du Conseil supérieur des installations classées. Ce groupe de travail, composé d'experts dans les différentes disciplines concernées et de membres du Conseil supérieur des installations classées, examine des études ou toute autre question concernant les sites et sols pollués en vue d'en tirer des enseignements génériques sur des situations similaires, de servir de base à l'élaboration de règles ou de définir la stratégie de gestion d'un site. Il émet un avis sur les dossiers qui lui sont soumis.

  10. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Chief of the Federal Land Committee, in connection with the necessity of amendments to the forms and terms of forwarding operations report on the course of land reform, orders to validate the form of operations report on the course of land reform (in accordance with the Annexes 1, 2, 3).

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