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  1. Library Resource
    October, 1991
    United Kingdom

    This Act defines the powers and functions of the Manx Utilities Authority as established by article 4 of the Transfer of Functions (Manx Utilities Authority) Order 2014 and the Department of Infrastructure, and provides with respect to collection and distribution of water in the Isle of Man. Some provisions concern water pollution. The Authority shall comply with such directions regarding the exercise of its functions as may be given by the Department.

  2. Library Resource
    April, 2016

    The scope of this Regional Law shall be to ensure conservation and rational tenancy of agricultural land and urban land and it establishes requirements for grazing and passage of cattle on the regional territory. Owners of cattle must form their livestock in herds and appoint a herdsman. In case of impossibility to for a herd, the owners must perform grazing personally or, in alternative, to keep cattle indoors. Passage of cattle to the collection points for the formation of herd shall be performed by owners of cattle or by persons appointed thereby.

  3. Library Resource
    September, 1998

    The present Ordinance contains provisions relating to the use of biological waste on agricultural and forestry soil. The text consists of 14 articles as follows: Sphere of application (art. 1); Definition of terms (art. 2); Requirements for waste treatment (art. 3); Requirements relating to harmful substances (art. 4); Requirements for mixed substances (art. 5); Limitations and prohibitions (art. 6); Additional requirements for use of biological waste on green surfaces (art. 7); Biological waste and sludge (art. 8); Monitoring of soil (art.

  4. Library Resource
    October, 2009

    The Regulation prescribes the state fee amount and payment procedures for registering ownership rights and pledge rights in the Land Register, and the state fee exemptions. The state fee for registering ownership rights and pledge rights in the Land Register is paid prior to the registration of such rights in the Land Register, and this payment is transferred to State basic budget.

    Implements: Land Register Law. (2004-04-22)

  5. Library Resource
    January, 2010

    The Law prescribes rules for the functioning of the amelioration system in Latvia. Its purpose is to ensure such mechanism for management of amelioration systems, which promotes sustainable management and use of natural resources, ensures the water regime necessary for safety and welfare of inhabitants, development of infrastructure, as well as construction, operation, maintenance, and management of amelioration systems in the land of rural territories and cities.

  6. Library Resource
    March, 2016

    This Regulation amends certain provisions part of the Regulation on the granting of aid for the "Clearance of agricultural land" from the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2014-2020 (Official Gazette 38/2015).Changes are related to the costs and concrete agricultural land demining-clearance issues.The Regulation also amends the contents of the Annex which is an integral part of this text.

  7. Library Resource
    September, 2017

    The present Act introduces some amendments to the Building Act of 11 December 2008. In particular, the Act amends article 66 dealing with innovative snow makers and snow making facilities. The article establishes that snowmaking may only be carried out on frozen ground and operation of the system must not result in excessive or negligible interference with neighbors. Chemical and biological additives are prohibited. The operation of the snowmaking system must not interfere with the ecology and water balance, especially with regard to water supply.

  8. Library Resource
    September, 2000

    Basée sur l’ordonnance n° 2000-914 du 18 septembre 2000 modifiée par l'ordonnance n° 2012-6 du 5 janvier 2012, la partie législative du Code de l'environnement français comprend sept (7) livres, entre autres, les dispositions communes (Livre I); les milieux physiques (Livre II); les espaces naturels (Livre III); le patrimoine naturel (Livre IV); la prévention des pollutions, des risques et des nuisances (Livre V); les dispositions applicables en Nouvelle-Calédonie, en Polynésie Française, à Wallis et Futuna, dans les terres australes et antarctiques françaises et à Mayotte (Livre VI); et la

  9. Library Resource
    April, 1991

    This Decree puts into effect the "Land Code" of the RSFSR. In the meantime the legislation of the RSFSR is applicable within the limits that it doesn't contradict the "Land Code" of the RSFSR. The "Land Code" is applicable to offences committed after its validation except for the offences liable to the articles 47-51 that are applicable after the validation of the Law of the RSFSR regarding land charges.

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