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  1. Library Resource
    Lithuania, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations implement the Law on Land Reclamation. They make provision for the use of state-owned land reclamation facilities by private owners of land whose land is marked with border signs and by legal and natural persons who have an agreement for the lease of state-owned land for more than three years. Agreements for use are made between District Municipalities, who may be represented by the State Land Reclamation Service, and the private landowner or the lessee of state-owned land. (8 articles)

    Implements: Law on Land Reclamation (No. 1-323 of 1993). (1993-12-09)

  2. Library Resource
    Latvia, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act creates the legal framework for the assignment of land to private citizens, for the protection of rights of land users and landowners, and for the use and protection of farmland and other natural resources.The 27 paragraphs of the Act are divided into 4 Parts: Overall Rules (1); Submitting requests for land allotments and their examination (2); Land use tasks (3); Overall regulations on the renewal of landownership rights or delivering land into the possesion of citizens (4). Land reform includes all rural land in the Republic and its users (par. 3).

  3. Library Resource
    Latvia, Europe, Northern Europe

    These newly introduced provisions deal with land utilization in relation with the concurrence of rights of former landowners, their possible heirs and present land users in circumstances as described in this Law. The provisions of this Law refer to Law No. 49 of 21 November 1990 "On Land Reform in the Republic of Latvia Rural Regions".

  4. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Law regulates property relations in the Republic of Estonia by defining owners, the forms of ownership, the grounds for origination of the right of ownership, and the principles of exercising and protecting the rights of ownership (art. 1). Ownership may be in the form of "personal property of a legal person", municipal property or state property (art. 2). Other forms of property may be established by law. Article 3 provides for common property. The remaining provisions of Part I ("General provisions") deal with the right of property and the protection of the right of property.

  5. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations provide for payment in respect of an undertaking to follow the general environmental conditions set out in Schedule 1 and to carry out at least one of the management activities set out in Schedule 2 or the capital activities set out in Schedule 3. These Regulations provide also for grants to compensate partly for costs of environment audit, planning and undertaking. The Regulations supplement EC Council Regulations No.

  6. Library Resource
    Luxembourg, Europe, Western Europe

    Cette loi porte réglementation du bail à ferme, notamment elle règle les baux de biens immeubles affectés principalement à une exploitation agricole. Toute exploitation dans laquelle est exercée une activité relevant de la Chambre d'Agriculture est considérée comme agricole.

  7. Library Resource
    Luxembourg, Europe, Western Europe

    Ce règlement déclare obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff-Réimech. Ce plan comprend parmi d'autres la zone protégée des réserves naturelles du "Baggerweieren" et la zone viticole et agricole. La première est destinée à garantir la protection d'espèces rares de la faune et de la flore et la dernière est destinée à l'exercice de la viticulture et de l'agriculture. En plus, tous les travaux viticoles et agricoles usuels peuvent y être exécutés. Le règlement comprend 17 articles.

  8. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    "Land amelioration" is defined in section 2 as "the drainage, irrigation or double-purpose regulation of water conditions, also the application of agromeliorative or land cultivation measures". Another key term used in this Law, "Amelioration System" (abbreviated "AS") is defined as "the complex of buildings and constructions for drainage, irrigation or double regulation of water conditions". This Law makes provisions in 25 sections for the construction, ownership, use and maintenance of Amelioration Systems and the creation of Amelioration Associations.

  9. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations amend the principal Regulations which provide for payment to eligible persons who, in respect of an area of eligible land, undertake not to use such land for a period of at least twenty years and to manage the land with the objective of establishing an area of salt-marsh in accordance with prescribed management requirements. They amend the rate of payment of aid to beneficiaries in respect of land which was permanent grassland at the start of the management period.

  10. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations implement in part Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with requirements of environment protection and the maintenance of the countryside. they provide for payment to eligible persons who, in respect of an area of eligible land, undertake not to use such land for a period of at least twenty years and to manage the land with the objective of establishing an area of salt-marsh in accordance with management requirements as set out in the Schedule.

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