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  1. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    All open streams in rural areas and lakes with a surface area of ​​more than 100 m2 are subject to a buffer zone of up to 10 meters from the shore which may be used for fertilization, spraying, cultivation.

  2. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    Amends administrative matters and implementation of wording regarding municipal and institution's defining title.

    Amends: Fisheries Act (No. 828 of 2004). (2004-07-31)
    Amends: Act on barley and wheat tariffs (No. 592 of 1984). (1984-12-12)
    Amends: Act on subsidy of agricultural structural development and of ecological production in agriculture and fisheries (No. 192 of 1999). (1999-03-26)
    Amends: Act on management of agricultural land (No. 434 of 2004). (2004-06-09)

  3. Library Resource

    Zakon o kmetijskih zemljišcih.

    Slovenia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Act, which is composed of 124 articles, regulates the use of agricultural land, their protection, marketing and leasing, agricultural operations and common pastures. Provisions of this Act apply mutatis mutandis to forests, unless otherwise provided by law. For these provisions agricultural land means land that is suitable for agricultural production, other than building land and water and land for other purposes. The agricultural land includes all land abandoned, not designated as forest under the Forest Act.

  4. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act defines Legal structure and processes on property and person's law related cases. The Act consists of 95 Chapters and 1 Appendix.Appendix 1 - Table of Contents.

    Amended by: Act amending the Legal Care Act (No. 279 of 2006). (2006-04-05)
    Amends: Law No. 366 amending the Criminal Code and certain other Acts. (2005-05-24)

  5. Library Resource
    February, 2009

    The Act regulates the acquisition of land on which a usufruct has been established under the Land Reform Act. According to the document, land subject to usufruct under the Land Reform Act which is not required for the exercise of the powers of state, to a local government for the performance of its functions or for other public purposes may be acquired.

  6. Library Resource
    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Ministry of Environment is a central body of state administration for the creation and protection of environment including a) nature protection; b) protection of the quality and quantity of water and their rational utilisation; c) air protection; d) spatial planning and building order; e) waste management; f) provision of unified information system on environment and area monitoring; g) geological research and survey. The Ministry of Environment is a superior body of: a) The Slovak Environmental Inspection.

  7. Library Resource

    2003. évi XXVI. törvény az Országos Területrendezési Tervről

    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The purpose of this Act is the determination of terms regarding the utilization of land in each area of the country, the equal distribution of technical and infrastructural works, taking into consideration the principle of sustainable development, the protection of territorial, natural, ecological and cultural features and values, and the conservation of natural resources.

  8. Library Resource

    1988. évi XXIV. törvény a külföldiek magyarországi befektetéseiről

    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Restrictions without exemption regarding the acquisition of property rights on land by foreign nationals have been abolished.

    Amended by: Act LV of 1994 on Arable Land. (2013-04-04)

  9. Library Resource

    2007. évi XVII. törvény a mezőgazdasági, agrár-vidékfejlesztési, valamint halászati támogatásokhoz és egyéb intézkedésekhez kapcsolódó eljárás egyes kérdéseiről

    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act lays down the principles and the framework of institutions, information systems and proceedings in connection to national implementation of agricultural, rural development and fishery subsidies to be granted from European (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and European Fisheries Fund) and from national financial resources.

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