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  1. Library Resource

    Lov om jordskifte o.a. (jordskifteloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act makes provision for the exchange of lands either between private parties for purposes of rational use or public bodies and private parties for purposes of rational use or purposes of public interest such as the construction of roads or railways.

  2. Library Resource

    Forskrift om planlegging og godkjenning av veier for landbruksformål.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The sections of this Decree are divided into 4 Chapters: Introductory provisions (I); Applications for the approval of construction and reconstruction of roads for agricultural and forestry purposes (II); Handling of applications, decisions, and conditions, and related matters (III); Final provisions (IV). "Road for agricultural or forestry purposes" is defined in section 1. Construction or reconstruction of such roads shall not be carried out without a permit of the municipality concerned.

  3. Library Resource

    FOR 1999-07-01 nr 791: Forskrift om gjødslingsplanlegging.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    According to provisions of this Decree users of arable land shall be responsible to prepare a plan for the use of fertilizing substances for the upcoming planting season in each year or a plan for a longer term in the case of use of animal manure or extensive cultivation. Such plan shall contain various indications on the required use of fertilizers. The scope of this planning is to secure an effective and rational use of fertilizing substances also for reasons of environment protection.

  4. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    Incentives in the form of grants are available for measures which aim at prevention or reduction of erosion of the soil of arable land. The projects shall be planned and executed in cooperation with the Norwegian Water and Energy Company. Plans shall be designed by the Company or others to be designated by the Company. Materials to be used in the project shall be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Remaining provisions deal with application for incentives and payment procedures. (11 sections)

  5. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    Permits shall be obtained in accordance with a procedural scheme adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture. However acquisition of land for certain (agricultural) purposes is exempted from such requirement. If such is the case the acquirer shall submit a self declaration drawn up in accordance with a scheme adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture. Together with the declaration a statement from the municipal authorities regarding the status ad size of the land shall be submitted.

  6. Library Resource
    Belarus, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Law establishes forms of property ownership, providing for the recognition and protection of property rights. Owners (physical persons, legal entities or the State) shall have the right of possession, use and transfer. Objects of property rights covered by this Law include: land, soil, water, air space, vegetation and wildlife, buildings, installations, equipment, subjects of material and spiritual culture, intellectual property, information, money, securities and other moveable and real property. The law provides for joint ventures as well.

  7. Library Resource

    Forskrift om registrering av dyrka jord som er vanhevda eller ligger unytta.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The scope of the present Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture is to provide a clear picture of all land suitable for cultivation but presently not in use. Such land shall be under consideration for measures to be taken pursuant to section 8 of the Land Use Act of 1995. Municipalities shall be responsible for registration. Priority shall be given to land in good shape in areas where a lot of cultivation takes place. Position, present condition, and size shall be registered and information provided on the best possible use, suitability of the land, etc. (4 sections)

  8. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Decree of the Ministry of Environment formulates rules relative to the collection, use and storage of animal manure. These rules aim at preventing pollution of soil, air, and surface water and groundwater and at enhancing plant production. Section 5 contains standards for the spreading of manure based on GDE which is an animal manure unit. This standard is fixed for all types of husbandry animals. Section 6 grants power the County Chief to allow for spreading different as indicated in section 5. Section 7 concerns periods of fertilization during the year.

  9. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Decree makes further provision for assessment on the environment, natural resources, and public health of operations covered by Act relative to planning and construction. Operations listed in Annex I shall always be accompanied by an impact assessment. Section 4 lists criteria for the application of the impact assessment requirement on operations listed in Annex II. One of the criteria is the potential harm an operation can do to a protected area.

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