Resource information
This Decree makes further provision for assessment on the environment, natural resources, and public health of operations covered by Act relative to planning and construction. Operations listed in Annex I shall always be accompanied by an impact assessment. Section 4 lists criteria for the application of the impact assessment requirement on operations listed in Annex II. One of the criteria is the potential harm an operation can do to a protected area. The competent authority shall decide on the form of impact assessment statements and accept them for processing.The text consists of 14 sections completed by 4 Annexes: Operations which require always an impact assessment (I); Operations which shall be assessed in the light of criteria laid down in section 4 (II); Contents of the communication and proposal of assessment programme (III); Contents and preparation of the impact assessment (IV).
Implemented by: Regulations on impact assessments (No. 854 of 2017). (2017-06-21)
Implements: Act No. 77 of 1985 relative to planning and construction. (2018-04-20)
Implements: Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. (1985-06-27)