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  1. Library Resource

    Plan- og bygningslov.


    This Act provides rules relative development and to town and country planning in Norway. The Act consists of more than 150 sections divided into 22 Chapters: General provisions (I); Planning and construction authorities (II); Consultation, communication, information (III); Planning at national level (IV); Planning at county level (V); Planning at municipal level (VI); Local Development Plan (VII); Impact assessments (VII-a); Expropriation (VIII); Reimbursement of costs of roads, waterworks, etc.

  2. Library Resource

    Lov om jordskifte o.a. (jordskifteloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act makes provision for the exchange of lands either between private parties for purposes of rational use or public bodies and private parties for purposes of rational use or purposes of public interest such as the construction of roads or railways.

  3. Library Resource

    Lov om kartlegging, deling og registrering av grunneiendom (Delingsloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act provides rules relative to the identification of borders and ownership of land.The sections of this Act are divided into 5 Chapters: General provisions (I); Survey (II); Partition of land (III); Registration and related matters (IV); Miscellaneous provisions, entry into force, and amendment of other Acts (V).The municipalities are vested with the authority to register real property and to decide on matters of partition (sect. 3). Section 4 of Chapter II deals with marking of borders.

  4. Library Resource

    Wet van 15 december 2005, houdende wijziging van de Wet bodembescherming en enkele andere wetten in verband met wijzigingen in het beleid inzake bodemsaneringen.

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The amendments of the Soil Protection are made in relation to a change in soil protection policy, regarding in particular the adjustment of soil restructuring aims, the soil restructuring procedure, the obligation of an owner or a heritage leaseholder of industrial premises and the financial aspects of soil restructuring.

    Amends: Act containing rules relative to protection of the soil (Soil Protection Act). (2010-07-19)

  5. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act provides for the use of public uncultivated lands. It consists of 42 articles specifying the requirements to be met in order to exploit these lands, establishing the conditions for land expropriation, concession, use, etc. It lays down duties, competencies and composition of national administration responsible for the management of these lands, fees to be paid, land lease, etc.

    Repealed by: Law No. 75/2017 establishing the regime on uncultivated lands and other community productive lands. (2017-08-17)

  6. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act makes provision for the protection of nature by: (1) prescribing a valuation of major works, construction and other activity which will entail substantial change to the landscape or substantial damage to the natural environment before such work is begun by the appropriate authorities (Chap. I); (2) providing for the establishment of national parks, nature reserves and natural monuments (Chap. II); (c) providing for the protection of fauna and flora (Chap.

  7. Library Resource

    Wet van 20 oktober 2006, houdende nieuwe regels omtrent de ruimtelijke ordening (Wet ruimtelijke ordening).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act makes provision for the planning of public space in the Netherlands at various levels of the administration and to regulate permission for specified constructions and destination of private property.The Act requires various types and policies (including a national planning) to be adopted taking into account environmental impact assessment reports. Destination plans and project plans shall be submitted, if relevant, to Water Boards.The Act does not apply to state waterworks.

  8. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act amends article 164, 165 and 169 of Decree-Law No. 327/90 of 22 October (regulating land occupation after forest fires). Amending articles deal with the requirements to be met by landowners who have suffered forest fires.

    Amends: Decree-Law No. 327/90 regulating land occupation after forest fires. (1990-10-22)

  9. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This amendment of the principal Act is introduced so as to answer to requirements of Council Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. It aims at sharpening criteria for the use of fertilizers containing nitrates and thus prevents use without a precise purpose of such fertilizers. The new section 6A concerns the making of rules regarding the minimum storage space for the storage of manure.

  10. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This amendment of the principal Act is introduced so as provide for a system of poultry rights, i.e. a right to hold poultry and to produce manure from poultry granted for purposes of control of production of manure. It shall be prohibited to produce on a livestock farm more manure from chickens and turkeys in a given year than the poultry right in force for the farm in that year.

    Amends: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal of fertilizing substances (Fertilizing Substances Act). (2012-03-19)

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