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  1. Library Resource
    Spain, Europe, Southern Europe

    La presente Ley parte de un concepto positivo de suelo no urbanizable, de manera que no lo define como una negación residual del urbanizable así, se considera como suelo no urbanizable: (a) el dominio público natural marítimo e hidráulico, (b) los terrenos que estén sujetos a un régimen específico de protección o mejora, (c) los terrenos que reúnan valores o presenten características que, conforme a la legislación urbanística, de protección del patrimonio histórico, de conservación de la naturaleza, fauna y flora o del medio ambiente, los hagan merecedores de una especial protección, (d) lo

  2. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Regional Act lays down provisions with a view to guaranteeing the rational and full use of all lands, in compliance with the related legislative framework provided for in Act No. 440 of 4 August 1978. Within 12 months from the entry into force of this Act, the Region shall designate those areas falling within its own territory where abandoned lands exist. Therefore, the regional authority shall perform a census and classify abandoned and uncultivated lands. Such information must be annually updated.

  3. Library Resource

    Rozporzadzenie w sprawie sposobu ustalania obszaru, na ktory wywieraja korzystny wplyw urzadzenia melioracji wodnych szczegolowych.

    Poland, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of five articles, lays down provisions concerning establishing the area for which land improvement devices have good impact, depending on types of land improvement devices. The borders of areas are documented on maps where the network of existing land improvement devices is drawn.

    Implements: Water Law. (2005-06-03)

  4. Library Resource
    Belgium, Europe, Western Europe

    Le susdit arrêté du Gouvernement flamand porte exécution de l'article 14, § 5, du décret du 23 janvier 1991 relatif à la protection de l'environnement contre la pollution due aux engrais. L'article 2 énumère les combinaisons de cultures faisant l'objet d'une augmentation des quantités d'éléments nutritionnels, autorisée par l'article 14, § 5, du susdit arrêté. Le texte est formé par 6 articles.

    Met en oeuvre: Décret relatif à la protection de l'environnement contre la pollution due aux engrais. (2011-02-18)

  5. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations make provision with respect to measures of enforcement for purposes of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972. It concerns, among other things: contents of enforcement notices; appeals against enforcement notices; and registration of (matters relating to) certain enforcement notices.

  6. Library Resource
    Spain, Europe, Southern Europe

    La presente Ley tiene por objeto la ordenación general de los sectores agrícola, ganadero, forestal y agroalimentario y el desarrollo rural de las Illes Balears, a los que se reconoce el carácter estratégico y multifuncional, en el marco de la política agraria común europea y la legislación del Estado. El ámbito material de aplicación de esta ley comprende la regulación y el registro del ejercicio de la actividad agraria y complementaria; la producción, la transformación y la comercialización agraria y agroalimentaria; los usos agrarios; y otras materias relacionadas.

  7. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations aim to reduce water pollution by limiting the amount of chemical phosphorus fertiliser applied to land. They restrict the amount of chemical fertiliser applied to land taking into consideration the phosphorous already available from the soil and organic manures and impose a duty on the controller of a holding to prevent water pollution.

  8. Library Resource

    Bekendtgørelse om jordvarmeanlæg.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Order sets regulations regarding the establishment, operation and supervision of geothermal systems with the purpose of preventing pollution of groundwater, soil and subsoil. The established systems shall operate in using soil as a heating sources. Applications for authorization to establish such systems is required and shall comply with criteria detailed in Appendix 1. The installation shall be provided with a pressure monitoring switch (1), an alarm (2) and a safety device in the event of a leak.

  9. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations amend the Valuation Tribunal Rules (Northern Ireland) 2007 which prescribe the practice and procedure in relation to proceedings before the Valuation Tribunal. The amendment is a consequence of the introduction of a right of appeal to the Tribunal against the issue, withdrawal, waiver or relaxation of the requirements of a remedial notice or certain decisions of a district council under the High Hedges Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

    Amends: Valuation Tribunal Rules (Northern Ireland) 2007 (S.R. No. 182 of 2007). (2007-03-18)

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