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Showing items 1 through 9 of 6039.
  1. Library Resource
    May, 2016

    This Law 49/2016 amends articles 5, 7, 14, 24, 26, 29 and 31 of Law 9693 of 2007. The amendments concern the ownership of the pasture fund now divided into a) the state pasture fund consisting of the pasture and lawns owned by the municipality managing their territory; and b) the private pasture fund consisting of the pasture and lawns in private property.The line ministry is the responsible authority for the protection and administration of the pasture fund in the protected areas.

  2. Library Resource
    December, 2016

    The present Act introduces some amendments to the Land Transaction Act of 9 December 1992. In particular, the Act amends, inter alia, article 4 establishing that the valuation of rights to land in Liechtenstein and of other assets situated in Liechtenstein is determined by the market value and the provisions of valuation legislation. The text consists of 3 articles.

    Amends: Land Transaction Ordinance. (2013)

  3. Library Resource
    December, 2016

    This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for the operation of village chiefs as a form of public participation in local government. The scope of election of village chief shall be realization of decisions adopted by local government. Public official cannot be elected village chief.

  4. Library Resource
    October, 2016

    Le présent décret modifie les statuts de l'établissement public foncier de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur pour tenir compte de la création de la métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence au 1er janvier 2016, qui couvre notamment le territoire de quatre communautés auxquelles elle se substitue au conseil d'administration de l'établissement. La métropole comptera ainsi quatre représentants, en remplacement de celui de la communauté urbaine de Marseille-Provence-Métropole et des trois communautés d'agglomération i) du Pays d'Aix, ii) de Salon-Etang de Berre-Durance et iii) du Pays d'Aubagne.

  5. Library Resource
    National Policies
    December, 2008

    Le Chapitre 1.2 établit les objectifs du Plan National Climat. Le premier objectif du Plan National Climat consiste à formaliser les grands axes stratégiques prioritaires que la Belgique met en œuvre pour relever le défi du Protocole de Kyoto. Il s’agit d’optimiser l’impact des politiques et mesures mises en place par les différentes autorités compétentes, par le développement de synergies et d’approches complémentaires, compte tenu des compétences respectives de ces entités. A cet effet, 11 axes stratégiques ont été identifiés: Six axes stratégiques sectoriels sont dressés: 1.

  6. Library Resource
    July, 2007
    Czech Republic

    This Regulation amends Annex 1 of the Regulation establishing vulnerable areas and the use and storage of fertilizers and manure fertilizers, crop rotation and implementation of erosion-control measures in these areas. This Annex specifies vulnerable areas which are geographically defined by the cadastral territory of the Czech Republic.

    Implements: Water Act. (2001-06-28)
    Amends: Regulation establishing vulnerable areas and the use and storage of fertilizers and manure fertilizers, crop rotation and implementation of erosion-control measures in these areas. (2003-03-03)

  7. Library Resource
    June, 2001

    La présente loi met en exécution, entre autres, la loi du 20 juin 2001 sur le développement rural et l’ordonnance 7 décembre 1998 sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture (ordonnance sur les améliorations structurelles) (OAS)5).

  8. Library Resource
    January, 2017

    These Regulations amend the Industrial Emissions (Framework) Regulations as regards the requirements for certain categories of installations, combustion plants, waste incineration plants or waste co-incineration plants in general binding rules that the Malta Environment and Planning Authority may adopt (see regulation 8).

    Amends: Industrial Emissions (Framework) Regulations, 2013 (L.N. 9 of 2013). (2013)

  9. Library Resource
    March, 2016
    United Kingdom

    These Regulation amend, for England, Part 2 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 so as to insert a new section (33ZA) on fixed penalty notices for contravention of section 33(1)(a) of the Act. The new section allows a waste collection authority in England to issue a fixed penalty notice for a contravention of section 33(1)(a) of the Act. Section 33(1)(a) prohibits a person from depositing controlled waste or extractive waste in or on any land unless in accordance with an environmental permit.

    Amends: Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Chapter 43). (1990-11-01)

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