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  1. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act makes provision for the registration of property and other rights on land and buildings on land, aircrafts and ships as required by law. Pursuant to article 3 there is established a Cadastre and Public Registers Agency which shall be responsible for the keeping and administration of Public Registers. For each office of the Service there shall be appointed a Land and Public registers Registrar (art. 6). Chapter 2 makes provision for the form and contents of public registers in which rights on goods which require registration are registered.

  2. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    By making further provision for the registration of property and other rights on land and buildings on land, aircrafts and ships as required by law, this Decree implements and supplements various articles of the Cadastre Act. Article 2 prescribes in detail how real property shall be recorded in the Cadastre. Chapter II requires certain information to be submitted for registration of property rights in the Public Register. Chapter III makes provision for the updating of cadastrial registration and cadastrial maps. Chapter IV regulates the updating of registration of ships.

  3. Library Resource

    Wet houdende regelen omtrent de ontgrondingen (Ontgrondingenwet).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act places restrictions on the removal of soil on land and in the sea. It is forbidden to remove soil on public or private land without a soil removal permit (art. 3). The permit is not required for soil removal carried out to prevent flooding, for the carrying out of a Town and Country Planning Plan, or the carrying out of a Provincial Environmental Programme (art. 6). The State owns shells, sand, stones, or mud on or under surface waters of the Continental Shelf (art. 4(b)).

  4. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    Decree regulating the rent for the lease of agricultural land. The Decree seeks to re-establish a balance between interests of the lessee and those of the lessor. Owners of agricultural land who give the land in lease may obtain a net gain of 2 percent of the free market value of land free of lease excluded costs which are to be bared by the landowner. Article 1 defines "free market value" as the price for the land in agricultural use but free of lease which results from reasonable negotiation between buyer and seller on the market.

  5. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    In compliance with Decree-Law 218/94 of 20 August, this Order establishes technical rules to be followed in order to carry out planning of coastal areas. This Ministerial Decree deals with the morphological aspects of coastal areas, specifying the aspects to be examined in the planning process.

  6. Library Resource
    Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Code embraces an extremely comprehensive range of issues relating to land use and management.

  7. Library Resource
    Lithuania, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Law, divided into 5 Chapters, provides for the privatization of rural lands in Lithuania and aims at regulating landownership relations and land reform procedure. Chapter 1 contains general provisions. Chapter 2 ("Acquisition of land as private property) reaffirms the right to private landownership and determines the conditions of sale, size ceilings, priority categories of buyers as well as the restrictions on the resale of private agricultural and forest lands.

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