Community / Land projects / Supporting Small-scale Traditional Rainfed Producers in Sinnar State (SUSTAIN - Sinnar)
Supporting Small-scale Traditional Rainfed Producers in Sinnar State (SUSTAIN - Sinnar)

04/11 - 06/18
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The project goal is to reduce rural poverty and increase food security and incomes for about 20,000 households in Dindir, Abu Hujar, and Dali and Mazmoum. The objective is to successfully disseminate appropriate technology in soil and water conservation, range development, livestock nutrition and post-harvest technology to 16,000 small scale producers. Land and natural resource governance activities support awareness campaigns for the rationale use of natural resources, the development of a land use and investment map which will help the drafting of a a bill for Land Use and Natural Resource Management. The establishment of a lobby group will help smallholder farmers to influence decisions in formal and informal institutions, which are usually dominated by large farmers.