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Issues política agrária related Blog post
There are 4, 652 content items of different types and languages related to política agrária on the Land Portal.
Displaying 13 - 24 of 24

Communities Push for Recognition of their Land Rights in Kenya

19 Dezembro 2019
Namati Communications

Matito Leruso was born and raised in the herding community of Lengurma in Isiolo County. Communal grazing land has been central to her community’s livelihood, wellbeing, and identity for generations, but they have never had their legal rights to govern it recognized. None of Kenya’s thousands of pastoralist communities have. This changed in 2016, with the passage of the Community Land Act. Since then, Matito has joined other residents of Lengurma in working to understand, use and shape the new law to ensure that their community land rights are respected and upheld.

Statement by Her Excellency Ambassador Josefa L.C. Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission

26 Novembro 2019

I bring you warm greetings from H.E. Mousa Faki Mahamat, the Chairperson of African Union Commission. It is my honour and pleasure to deliver this statement at the opening of the Conference on Land Policy in Africa. I salute the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Government of Côte D’Ivoire and all partners for hosting and successfully organizing the 2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa.

“This plot is not for sale!”: Land Administration and Land Disputes in Uganda

06 Novembro 2019
Miss Teddy Kisembo

“This plot is not for sale” are the six words you will find, marked on a lot of properties and plots of land in Uganda. The words are meant to ward off quack land or property brokers and conmen. Most of the cases handled in courts in Uganda, and Kampala in particular, are fraud-related cases (like selling land while the true owners are away using counterfeit titles) and land transaction fraud (when fake land titles are obtained and sadly some officers in the land registry are involved).

Los campesinos que más nos alimentan, los que menos apoyo reciben

13 Março 2018

Por Juliana Martínez Nacarato Investigadora del Programa de Justicia Fiscal en Fundar


La política agrícola sigue sin garantizar los derechos de campesinas y campesinos. Sin acceso a tierra, muchos se ven obligados a migrar y a trabajar como jornaleras y jornaleros bajo condiciones laborales precarias y de semiesclavitud, problema ya denunciado en México pero que no ha sido atendido.