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Showing items 7840 through 7848 of 73534.The National Environmental Policy of Malawi is a cross-sectoral policy with the following objectives: Secure for all persons, now and in the future, an environment suitable for their health and well being; Promote sustainable utilization and management of the country's natural resources and encou
La presente Ley declara de interés público en todo el territorio provincial el mantenimiento y restauración de la capacidad productiva de los suelos.
La presente Ley introduce el marco normativo que rige las acciones tendientes a la conservación del suelo agrícola, es decir al mantenimiento y mejoramiento de su capacidad productiva.
This policy provides the framework for addressing problems and constraints to ensure equity in land allocation and holding and to maintain a stable environment for the country's sustainable social and economic development.
The present Act introduces some substantial amendments to the Water Resources Act of 31 July 2009.
This Law, consisting of 24 sections, creates the Punjab Women Protection Authority.
The purpose of these Rules is to prescribe matters delegated by the Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for Land for Public Works Projects and the Enforcement Decree of the same Act, and matters necessary for the enforcement thereof.
This Law, consisting of 33 sections divided into seven Chapters, establishes the Punjab Land Records Authority to reform and modernize the system of land records, to improve the land records service delivery; to contribute to long lasting tenure security; and, to deal with ancillary matters.
Le présent décret ratifie les statuts du Centre ouest africain de recherches et de services scientifiques sur le changement climatique et l’utilisation adaptée des terres (WASCAL), conclu le 10 février 2012 à Lomé, au Togo.Ce Centre dont le siège est à Accra, au Ghana, a pour mission d’améliorer
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