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Showing items 67150 through 67158 of 73566.La teoría de Garret Hardin, “la tragedia de los comunes”, usa como ejemplo las tierras de pastoreo para sostener que cuando mucha gente tiene acceso al mismo recurso existe la posibilidad de que las personas sobreexploten el recurso y no inviertan suficientemente en él.
Because many rural poor live in areas far away from markets, we investigate whether better road access could help improve their livelihood and reduce rural poverty.
Project Note
This policy note summarizes research exploring the challenges and opportunities associated with building human, organizational, and institutional capacity to respond effectively to the adverse impacts of climate change as they relate to agriculture and rural livelihoods in developing countries.
In the preceding chapter used village household data from the Cambridge-Madras universities and IFPRI-TNAU surveys to assess, after a decade, the growth and equity effects of the green revolution in North Arcot.
Governance Institutes Network International (GINI) entered into agreement as a collaborating institution with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to conduct property tax policy research to support the 2011 “Framework for Economic Growth” developed by the Planning Commission o
This paper documents a Vietnam Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the year 2007. The national SAM is based on newly estimated supply-use tables, national accounts, state budgets, and balance of payments. The SAM reconciles these data using cross-entropy estimation techniques.
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