(Cambodia) Research Mining and Development
A webpage list showing the date of ELC contract, the ELC location and size, status of EIA and land registration, and type of crops invested by the concessionaire (Cambodia) Mining Research and Development.
A webpage list showing the date of ELC contract, the ELC location and size, status of EIA and land registration, and type of crops invested by the concessionaire (Cambodia) Mining Research and Development.
A webpage list showing the date of ELC contract, the ELC location and size, status of EIA and land registration, and type of crops invested by the concessionaire (Cambodia) Cane and Sugar Valley.
The concession land that belongs to Lan Feng (Cambodia) International Company Ltd has a downsize of 283.94 hectares. The cut land is then reclassified into the state private land for granting the ownership to Kui indigenous minority citizens in Brame commune, Tbeng Meanchey district, Preah Vihear province. In total, 61 land parcels of 219.46 hectares are granted with titles to 39 families in Sre Peng village and 16 land parcels of 64.48 hectares to 15 families in Bos Thom village.
O Assentamento Oziel Alves Pereira é um caso de dotação territorial efetuada pelo Estado. O Assentamento foi criado em 2002 e reúne 553 famílias, organizadas pelo MST. Corresponde ao processo tradicional de Reforma Agrária realizado pelo governo brasileiro, na qual famílias de camponeses pobres sem-terra recebem do governo um contrato de uma propriedade rural por 10 anos.
Aqui se narra el caso del El Pueblo Kamentza, que habita su territorio ancestral en el valle de Sibundoy, gestionando sus derechos ante el Estado, organizando la gestión territorial y defendiéndose de las presiones extranjeras que vienen con los megaproyectos mineros.
Caso sobre la persistencia y la vigencia de la lucha por la tierra en el Ecuador, sobre todo en territorios donde se profundiza el modelo de acumulación capitalista en el campo. Las organizaciones campesinas pasan de la posesión de la tierra a procurar su legalización; proceso en el que se involucran con la política pública que termina desalojándolas de esos predios.
En 2005, shiringueros del distrito de Iberia decidieron asociarse en ECOMUSA para extraer el látex sin perjudicar al bosque amazónico. En esta zona de Madre de Dios, Perú, la tala ilegal y el cambio de uso de la tierra amenazaban con desaparecer estas importantes áreas boscosas. El éxito asociativo: el Estado les entrega en concesión, en 2008, el manejo de 7,900 hectáreas de bosques productivos.
En Puerto Esperanza, capital de Purús, pobladores locales crearon en 2006 la Asociación Manejo de Bosques Sin Fronteras – Río La Novia MABOSINFRON, con el objetivo de conservar un bosque primario cercano a sus cultivos agrícolas en un sector en peligro por la tala ilegal y el uso inadecuado de sus recursos. En 2012, recibieron en concesión por diez años 6,718.80 hectáreas de bosques.
This presentation summarizes an on-going research in Myanmar, carried out by renowned agricultural specialist U San Thein and a team of experts, with the support of MRLG. This research is based on a thorough analysis of records on vacant, fallow and virgin land allotted for mainly agri-business projects between 1992 and 2016, and also an analysis of the reports of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission on land confiscation and the return of land. The study also included interview responses from key government staff in all concerned line ministries.
Si les investissements étrangers directs (IED) dans les terres arables peuvent stimuler la croissance économique, ils peuvent aussi, le cas échéant, affecter de manière négative la situation des revenus et la sécurité alimentaire de la population locale. À la lumière de la culture de caoutchouc au Laos, l'article montre comment les concessions et la culture sous contrat peuvent conduire à l'accaparement de terres par les investisseurs étrangers.
This dialogue provided a way for the land community to collaboratively explore challenges and opportunities related to the recognition of indigenous, ethnic minority and customary tenure rights in the Mekong region in order to:
Global demand for timber, agricultural commodities, and extractives is a significant driver of deforestation worldwide. Transparent land-concessions data for these large-scale commercial activities are essential to understand drivers of forest loss, monitor environmental impacts of ongoing activities, and ensure efficient and sustainable allocation of land.