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Décret exécutif nº 06-424 fixant la composition et le fonctionnement du conseil de coordination côtière.

África septentrional

Le présent décret fixe la composition et le fonctionnement du conseil de coordination côtière, qui a pour objet de mobiliser l’ensemble des moyens requis pour la protection des zones littorales ou côtières sensibles ou exposées à des risques environnementaux particuliers.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 02-02 relative à la protection et à la valorisation du littoral. (2002-02-05)
Modifié par: Décret exécutif nº 08-122 modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif nº 06-424 fixant la composition et le fonctionnement du conseil de coordination côtière. (2008-04-15)

Arrêté R-888 fixant la composition et les missions du comité technique chargé d'assister le comité interministériel chargé de l'aménagement du littoral mauritanien.

África occidental

Le présent arrêté fixe la composition et les missions du comité technique chargé d'assister le comité interministériel chargé de l'aménagement du littoral mauritanien.

Met en oeuvre: Décret nº 098-52 portant création d'un comité interministériel chargé de l'aménagement du littoral mauritanien. (1998-06-28)

Beach Control (Licensing) Regulations, 1956.


This Order concerns licences granted under section 11 of the Beach Control Act. A licence under section 11 is granted for the use of foreshore or floor of the sea. The Order contains rules relative to an application for licences, payment of fees and powers of authorized officers to inspect protected areas to check compliance with terms of a licence. The Order further prescribes fees and forms in relation with an application for a licence and notice of an application.

Beach Control (Crown Licences) Regulations, 1956.


This Order concerns licences granted under section 9 of the Beach Control Act. The Order contains rules relative to an application for licences, payment of fees and prescribes provisions included in a licence. Every licence shall contain a provision giving the competent authorities to take specified corrective action in case of encroachment not permitted by the licence.

Implements: Beach Control Act. (2005)

Guam Territorial Seashore Protection Commission - Chapter 7 of Title 18 of the Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.


The purpose of these Rules and Regulations of the Guam Territorial Seashore Protection Commission is to define powers and duties of the Commission and to regulate procedures of meetings and other matters regarding the internal organization of the Commission.The Commission may, among other things, grant land use permit and terminate a right of use or occupancy.

Coastal Resources Management Act of 1983 (P.L. 3-47).

Islas Marianas del Norte

This Act establishes the Coastal Resources Management Office, the Coastal Advisory Council and an Appeals Board, defines functions and powers of these government agencies, defines the coastal resources management policy of the Northern Mariana Islands and provides in respect of control of activities affecting the coast and coastal resources of the Northern Mariana Islands.Among objectives of coastal resources management policy are the protection of fish and wildlife resources and the prevention of damage to the environment.

Beach Preservation Act of 1998 (P.L. No. 11-62).

Islas Marianas del Norte

This Act places restrictions on the mining of sand on beaches in order to protect the natural environment and the coastal zone and to prevent its deterioration and destruction.The Act prohibits the excavation or removal of sand from a prohibited area, i.e. presumably an area other than an Authorized Area. An Authorized Area is an area outside the coastal zone that has been designated by the Secretary of the Department of Public Works in concurrence with the Coastal Resources Management Office and the Division of Public Lands as a sand mining area.

An Act to amend 9 CMC Section 5807(b) and to add a new subsection (1f) to prohibit the launching of boats or other watercraft from beaches (P.L. 3-47).

Islas Marianas del Norte

This Act amends section 5807 of 9 CMC so as to place restrictions on the launching of any boat or other watercraft and the entering upon beaches by any motor vehicle for purposes of protecting the environment and historic or tourist sites. In order to avoid environmental degradation through erosion and pollution caused by the motor trailers and other motor vehicles the Act allows only launching of boats from launch pads specifically designed for such use.

Décret exécutif nº 07-206 du 30 juin 2007 fixant les conditions et les modalités de construction et d’occupation du sol sur la bande littorale, de l’occupation des parties naturelles bordant les plages et de l’extension de la zone objet de non-ædificandi.

África septentrional

Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer: les conditions et les modalités de construction et d’occupation du sol liées directement aux fonctions des activités économiques autorisées sur une bande littorale de trois (3) kilomètres; les conditions d’occupation des parties naturelles bordant les plages et participant au maintien de leur dynamique et de leur équilibre sédimentaire, ainsi que celle des dunes bordières et des cordons sableux des parties hautes des plages non atteints par les hautes mers; les conditions et les modalités d’extension de la zone objet de non-ædificandi à trois cents (