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IssuesDegradación de tierrasLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 61 - 72 of 1117

On-site and off-Site long-term economic impacts of soil fertility management practices

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2008
África oriental
África subsahariana

"This article analyzes the on-site and off-site economic impacts of various sustainable land management (SLM) practices in Kenya. Long-term trial data are used to establish the relationship between SLM practices and maize yield. The analysis of on-site effects focuses on the profitability of maize production at the farm level, while the examined off-site effects include carbon sequestration and siltation from maize farms, which increase the cost of potable water production.

Policies for sustainable land management in the highlands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2003
África oriental
África subsahariana

Participants in this workshop reviewed and discussed findings from the research project‚ Policies for Sustainable Land Management in the Highlands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, begun in January 1998, and from other related research being conducted in the highlands of Tigray by Mekelle University and its collaborators.

2011 Global food policy report [in Chinese]

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2012
África subsahariana
Asia meridional
América del Sur

The year 2011 highlighted ongoing challenges to global food security, from food price volatility, extreme weather shocks, and famine to unrest and conflicts. On the policy front, major devel­opments at the global and national levels both offered grounds for encouragement and pointed to areas where further action is needed.

Equilibrio del desarrollo agropecuario y la deforestación en la Amazonia Brasileña

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2004
América del Sur

This report identifies the links among economic growth, poverty alleviation, and natural resource degradation in Brazil. It examines the effects of (1) a major devaluation of the Brazilian real (R$); (2) improvements of infrastructure in the Amazon to link it with the rest of Brazil and bordering countries; (3) modification of land tenure regimes in the Amazon agricultural frontier; (4) adoption of technological change in agriculture both inside and outside the Amazon; and (5) fiscal mechanisms to reduce deforestation." -- from Author's Abstract

Strategies for sustainable agricultural development in the East African highlands

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 1999
África oriental
África subsahariana

Low agricultural productivity, land degradation and poverty are severe interrelated problems in the East African highlands. While the proximate causes of such problems are relatively well known, the underlying causes are many and complex, and depend upon many site-specific factors that vary greatly across the diverse circumstances of the region. In this paper, we argue that the appropriate strategy for sustainable development depends greatly upon the “pathways of development” that are feasible in a given location.