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Understanding compliance in programs promoting conservation agriculture: Modeling a case study in Malawi

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2016
África austral
África subsahariana

Land degradation and soil erosion have emerged as serious challenges to smallholder farmers throughout southern Africa. To combat these challenges, conservation agriculture (CA) is widely promoted as a sustainable package of agricultural practices. Despite the many potential benefits of CA, however, adoption remains low. Yet relatively little is known about the decision-making process in choosing to adopt CA. This article attempts to fill this important knowledge gap by studying CA adoption in southern Malawi.

Farming Smarter

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2012
Asia meridional
África subsahariana
África oriental
África occidental
Asia sudoriental

The emergence and spreading of an improved traditional soil and water conservation practice in Burkina Faso

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2004
África occidental
África subsahariana
Burkina Faso

"This paper describes the emergence of improved traditional planting pits (zaï) in Burkina Faso in the early 1980s as well as their advantages, disadvantages and impact. The zaï emerged in a context of recurrent droughts and frequent harvest failures, which triggered farmers to start improving this local practice. Despair triggered experimentation and innovation by farmers. These processes were supported and complemented by external intervention. Between 1985 and 2000 substantial public investment has taken place in soil and water conservation (SWC).

Understanding the links between agriculture and health

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2006

Policymaking initiatives in agriculture and public health are often pursued in a parallel and unconnected fashion. Yet coherent, joint action in agriculture and health could have large potential benefits and substantially reduce risks for the poor. Among development professionals there is growing recognition that agriculture influences health, and health influences agriculture, and that both in turn have profound implications for poverty reduction.

Evaluación Internacional del Papel del Conocimiento, la Ciencia y la Tecnología en el Desarrollo Agrícola (IAASTD)

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2008
América Latina y el Caribe

El presente documento es un summary del Informe de síntesis: Todos los países que asistieron a la sesión plenaria intergubernamental final llevada a cabo en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) en abril de 2008 reciben con agrado la labor de la IAASTD y el carácter singular de este proceso independiente y multidisciplinario en el que participan múltiples partes interesadas, así como la magnitud del desafío de abordar una gran variedad de cuestiones complejas.

Property Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2015
Viet Nam

This paper explores the effect of land titling on agricultural productivity in Vietnam and the productivity effects of single versus joint titling for husband and wife. Using a plot-fixed-effects approach our results show that obtaining a land title is associated with higher yields, for both individually and jointly held titles. We conclude that there is no trade-off between joint titling and productivity, and so joint titles are potentially an effective way to improve women’s bargaining power within the household with no associated efficiency losses.

Revista Gestão Florestal

Manuals & Guidelines
Diciembre, 2016

Esta revista é um produto do Projeto Gestão Florestal para a Produção Sustentável na Amazônia, uma realização do Governo Brasileiro por incumbência do Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA) e intermédio do Serviço Florestal Brasileiro e do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade no contexto da Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. O Ministério Federal de Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento (BMZ) da Alemanha apoia a execução do Projeto por meio da cooperação financeira do Banco Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 6

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2016

This LEGEND bulletin takes stock of some of the recent experience in legal empowerment. The result is a kaleidoscope of approaches operating at different levels, but pursuing broadly converging agendas.

Resultados do Programa UE-PAANE 2011-2016 (Guiné-Bissau)

Reports & Research
Enero, 2017

O presente documento apresenta um resumo dos principais resultados do Programa de Apoio aos Atores Não Estatais (UE-PAANE) “Nô Pintcha Pa Dizinvolvimentu” financiado integramente pela União Europeia e implementado na República da Guiné Bissau, entre 2011 e 2016, pelo consórcio do qual faz parte a Organização Não Governamental (ONG) portuguesa Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF) e a empresa portuguesa CESO CI Internacional SA (CESO CI).